Whole Group Minutes - UOA-SE701-Group3-2021/3Lancers GitHub Wiki
This is a collection of the meeting minutes that happened with the whole group.
- Andrew Huang
- Angela Hollings
- Benjamin Piper
- Carrie Ng
- Daniel Etzinger
- Elisa Yansun
- Evan Zhou
- Felix Yang
- Harpreet Singh
- Jack Chamberlain
- Kyle Hall
- Kyle Zhou
- Laura Huijser
- Mahek Nangia
- Oliver Chamberlain
- Rawiri Hohepa
- Siwei Yang
- Yicheng Sun
Absent: Caelan Murch
- Discuss any unfinished issues and wrap up
- Blitz (test code before release and submit issues for bug-fixes)
- Make release
- Tidy up existing issues
- Submit
Making sure the people’s contributions are completed
- Make sure all assigned issues are either completed, closed, unassigned, or to be completed by 12PM tomorrow.
Add and remove widgets status
- Andy says we only have adding widgets, not removing.
- We can reopen issue 135 saying it’s split off from issue 65
- Ben to unassign himself as he hasn’t contributed
To-do list widget issue (issue 53) to be split up as well
License issue to have an ongoing label to let the team know
Minutes issue will be closed after this meeting
Refactor PR for to-do list will be done tomorrow, by 12pm
Caelan to do his issue tonight or tomorrow, by 12pm
12pm For any code PRS, 2pm for any code reviews
- If those deadlines aren’t met, then people in question will be unassigned
Time for the blitz, we pull the cleanest version and test it and make issues for the next team
- 30 minutes
Won’t be releasing tonight as we’re still pending on issues and issue cleanups
Have people to comment on existing issues, instructing the next team on how to complete them
- 2 Kyles + Rawiri to be doing this
Create issues found in the blitz (non-struck-out)
- Oliver and Flynn and Jack and others
Final Submission, Release and Feature Freeze at 3PM Tomorrow.
- Code PRs to do: Carrie’s Angela’s and Caelan’s
- Good job team 🎉
- No meeting is planned
- Andrew Huang
- Angella Hollings
- Benjamin Piper
- Carrie Ng
- Daniel Etzinger
- Elisa Yansun
- Evan Zhou
- Felix Yang
- Harpreet Singh
- Jack Chamberlain
- Kyle Hall
- Kyle Zhou
- Mahek Nangia
- Oliver Chamberlain
- Rawiri Hohepa
- Siwei Yang
- Yicheng Sun
- Caelan Murch
- Discuss documentation (wiki and README which could be populated furhter), reactoring and comments (in code)
- Discuss integration
Assigning list
- Adding new widgets to the widget drawer: Oliver and Harpreet
- Then refactoring this: Benjamin Piper
- Refactoring and commenting (issues being: icon-widget, dashboard-widget, journal-widget)
- Journal: Laura Huijser
- Text: Jack Chamberlain
- Calendare: Harpreet Singh + Mahek
- Todo: Carrie + Evan + Angela (also still needs code contribution)
- Habit Tracker: Siwei & Yicheng
- Licensing + Minutes: Benjamin
- Bug fixes in general: Elisa
- Frontend documentation: Daniel + Rawiri
- Look at the implementations??
- README (specify npm ci) and wiki
- People's contributions
- Backend (to be assigned among themselves):
- 2 people working on Issues
- 1 on docs
- 1 on refactoring and commenting
- Connecting the journal todo to the backend is Felix and Andy
- REAMDE's should be just how to run it
- Wikis are the details
For any new PRs, if people don't have meaningful comments, please try, it's for individual grades.
Next meeting sometime on Wednesday
- Discuss any unfinished isseus and wrap up
- Blitz (test code before release and submit issues for bug-fixes)
- Make release
- Tidy up existing issues
- Submit
- Angella Hollings
- Benjamin Piper
- Daniel Etzinger
- Elisa Yansun
- Harpreet Singh
- Jack Chamberlain
- Kyle Hall
- Mahek Nangia
- Oliver Chamberlain
- Rawiri Hohepa
- Andrew Huang
- Caelan Murch
- Carrie Ng
- Evan Zhou
- Felix Yang
- Kyle Zhou
- Laura Huijser
- Siwei Yang
- Yicheng Sun
- Practice run + feedback of demo
- Progress Catchup
- Discussing next steps
- Frontend is still waiting on drag ‘n’ drop.
- Drag ‘n’ drop is implemented, but the whole journal is a drop target (it needs to be just the page).
- Oliver is going to see if more components can be added.
- Backend should be done by today. Endpoints need to be finished up and documentation needs to get started.
- We’ll start integrating right after the demo. Frontend will be using axios.
- Did demo rehearsal
- Should talk about CI in the workflow
- Need to correct some information in the backend slides
- Need to cut down the intro section to make more room for demonstration
- Future work: say: “here are some ideas that we want to add but don’t have enough time for”
- Dashboard of fullscreen widgets
- Hardcode journal widgets
- Fix widgets
- Have a release ready by tonight 11:59PM function freeze
- Monday meeting to be either early morning or late night
- Documentation
- Integration
Present: exactly 50%
- Angella Hollings
- Benjamin Piper
- Daniel Etzinger
- Elisa Yansun
- Harpreet Singh
- Jack Chamberlain
- Kyle Hall
- Rawiri Hohepa
- Siwei Yang
- Andrew Huang
- Carrie Ng (Happy 21st 🎉)
- Caelan Murch
- Evan Zhou
- Felix Yang
- Kyle Zhou
- Laura Huijser
- Mahek Nangia
- Oliver Chamberlain
- Yicheng Sun
- Go through current progress of code stuff
- Go through flow of demo
- Go through future work
- Current state of code
- Calendar looks done
- Habit Tracker not done yet
- Carrie will get the To-Do list implemented tomorrow. We could also try pull request off of her fork.
- Cursor pointer for all click-things and draggable-things!! Need to make an issue
- Can re-open this when we find other things that need cursor pointer
- Harpreet to make this issue
- People need to look over PRs more frequently! We need to review them quickly.
- Please assign yourself to your PRs, we don’t want to risk you losing marks
- Demo (10 mins max)
- Use current license, but talk about how we’ll update it as we use more 3rd party code
- Intro: why we made it and what’s cool about it (1 min)
- Tech Stuff (3 minutes)
- Demo (2-3 minutes)
- Drag and drop
- Future work (3 minutes)
- We need to make future work issues
- Demo can use screenshots of these in slides
- See slides for some of the future issues discussed
- We need to make future work issues
- Schedule a practice-run of the demo meeting for 12pm Sunday 21st March
- Finish slides
- Get as many pull requests reviewed as possible
- Pull requests reviewed
- Maybe Maybe get drag and drop up and running
- Future issues start being put up
- Practice run + feedback of demo
- Progress Catchup
- Discussing next steps
- Andrew Huang
- Angela Hollings
- Benjamin Piper
- Caelan Murch
- Carrie Ng
- Daniel Etzinger
- Elisa Yansun
- Evan Zhou
- Felix Yang
- Harpreet Singh
- Jack Chamberlain
- Kyle Hall
- Kyle Zhou
- Laura Huijser
- Mahek Nangia
- Oliver Chamberlain
- Rawiri Hohepa
- Siwei Yang
- Yicheng Sun
- Fix PR/Issue descriptions
- Project Demo (on Monday)
- People (min 1 from each team)
- Future work
- Discuss Contributions
- Weekend marathon
- People need to go back to their own issues and pull requests (even if they’re closed) like images, more description and assigning labels. This is how we’re marked.
- Project Demo is on Monday
- Talk about Tech Stack
- Demonstration
- Overview?
- Future work
- 4 people presenting, one from each team and 2 from front (presenting 10 minutes total + questions)
- Needs preparation and slides
- The demo is not marked on the presentation skills, but rather on all of the points that you cover
- Choosing people to present on demo
- Backend: Caelan
- Frontend: Elisa
- Design: Benjamin
- People that need to do code contributions:
- Benjamin (to work on the widget side-bar using the figma design)
- Caelan some backend stuff?
- Daniel (currently employed, will need to look at backend stuff)
- Rawiri (hamburger-menu)
- Please make sure you’ve done a code review
- Presenters will need to meet up at some point before Monday
- 7PM Saturday soft-deadline for code
- By Thursday we need:
- Documentation
- Wiki
- Issues
- Pull Requests
- Documentation
- Next meeting is sometime Sunday
- Andrew Huang
- Benjamin Piper
- Caelan Murch
- Carrie Ng
- Daniel Etzinger
- Elisa Yansun
- Harpreet Singh
- Jack Chamberlain
- Kyle Hall
- Kyle Zhou
- Laura Huijser
- Mahek Nangia
- Oliver Chamberlain
- Rawiri Hohepa
- Siwei Yang
- Evan Zhou
- Felix Yang
- Yicheng Sun
- Discuss current issues and progress
- Discuss any blockers
- Discuss that we have 7 days until the demo and 10 days until the whole thing is due
- Discuss group mass coding on Friday for those of us that can make it
- Discuss work to be done by next meeting (Friday)
- Design fully done?
- Frontend prototypes done?
- Backend APIs done and backend logic/database done. Ready to start integration?
- Look through wiki and documentation, make sure everything is fine
- Please welcome Angela Hollings! 🎉 She will be joining us in the Frontend
- Team agreement: what are the consequences of not following through on deadlines
- If the issue deadline has not been met: comment why
- If unresponsive for over 24 hours then issue is transferred to someone else
- We have already agreed on communication
- If they haven’t responded for over 2 days, unassign the person on the issue
- If someone is not doing well/doing badly then we can talk to them about that
- If you aren’t going to the meeting, please drop a line in the Discord saying so (or on Apollo) (and read the minutes later!)
- Peer reviews, there is an option saying “I don’t know enough about this person”
- Contribution guideline: squash merges enforced with protected main
- Optional group coding sessions (Tuesday and possibly Friday)
- Keep a spreadsheet of who has done code contribution (including peer reviews and pull requests)
- Next meeting Friday 3pm-4pm
- All members present agreed to the Contribution Guidelines
- Hopefully by now we have most of the things done.
- Design: everything should be done (hopefully done)
- Frontend: hopefully have the MVP done (with the deadline being on Wednesday)
- Backend: should have their APIs defined, but preferably implemented
- Andrew Huang
- Benjamin Piper
- Caelan Murch
- Carrie Ng
- Daniel Etzinger
- Elisa Yansun
- Evan Zhou
- Felix Yang
- Harpreet Singh
- Jack Chamberlain
- Kyle Hall
- Kyle Zhou
- Laura Huijser
- Mahek Nangia
- Oliver Chamberlain
- Rawiri Hohepa
- Siwei Yang
- Yicheng Sun
- Go over documents, suggest changes
- Code of Conduct
- Contributing Guidelines
- Team Agreement
- Create and finalise list of initial issues
- Each team presents what they have done so far (backend models, documentation, designs and requirements)
- If needed, organise meeting between frontend and backend teams to discuss what data needs to be stored
- Discuss more documentation
- Templates for issues, pull requests
- Teams probably won't change unless people really want to? There is still quite a bit of design work left.
- Organise next meeting
- Meetings in the future should be shorter (30 mins) as we will just be presenting what each group has done and discuss further tasks.
- Setup when2meet to meetup backend + frontend
- Sending example JSON for data structures to backend
- Showcased Design
- Discussing issues
- All colour-coordinated in this document
- Each team is responsible for putting their own issues up
- Went over the Team Agreement
- Issue labels are already on GitHub
- Issue templates
- Design team to populate the wiki and to refine the designs (as the initial set of design issue state)
- Those who aren't designing right now can start populating the wiki
- Design team to do the demo? (While the other teams start coding)
- All members present agreed to the list of Initial issues
- Next meeting to be 9am-10am Monday
- Each team to upload their initial set of issues, follow issue template
- We get to work!
- Backend + frontend meet up before next meeting to hand over data structure
- Look at and suggest any changes for Code of Conduct, Team Agreement, and Contributing Guidelines
- Code of Conduct. We can also look at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/
- Decide if we will ahve backend
- Initial push to repo
- Initial set of issues
- Group leaders/split teams?
- Team agreement? (or is this sort of covered in code of conduct?)
- Contribution guidelines, License, other docs
- Documents covered:
- Code of Conduct
- Team agreement
- Contribution guidelines
- Added custom labels in the GitHub
- Sorted out the team! Check Discord!
- Initial set of widgets:
- Calendar
- To-Do List
- Habit Tracker
- Journal text stuff (background or widget?)
- Future widgets:
- Post-it notes
- Sharing
- Weather???
- Insert media (pictures, videos, audio)
- **Meeting to be 4pm-5pm on Friday 12th March
- Design to start working on it on Figma
- Tech stack and features with design
- Code of Conduct, Team Agreement and Contributor Guidelines complete
- Backend team to decide API with frontend and deal with connection issues first
- Initial set of issues to be completed
- Actually decide on an idea (hopefully) from the shortlist
- Sorting out leader, sub-leaders and sub-groups
- Team agreement?
- Discussed the shortlist options
- Have decided on an Interactive bullet journal!
- We are going to confirm with Kelly if the scope of this is adequate
- Brainstorming on lucidspark to start developing the interactive bullet journal
- Next meeting is Tuesday 2pm-3pm
- Team agreement
- Splitting into groups (based off of preferences in Discord)
- Switch to Discord? (Some people aren't getting notifications
- Group Name
- Voting on an idea
- Sorting out leader, sub-leaders and sub-groups
- Team agreement?
- We have switched to Discord!
- Have decided on the name 3lancers
- Have shortlisted ideas and we are re-looking at them
- We are meeting 5-6pm Saturday 6th March
- Actually decide on an idea (hopefully) from the shortlist.
- Sorting out leader, sub-leaders and sub-groups
- Team agreement?
- Self intros
- Set up Google Drive and GitHub (admin-channel on Slack)
- Group Name (discussion channel on Slack)
- Meeting times
- When2meet, We'll try to organise something later on in the week
- Began brainstorming on lucidspark
- Discuss web-based development. It's easier to pick up than mobile etc.
- Find a meeting time on when2meet
- Get a group name (discussion on Slack)
- Start brainstorming on lucidspark!
- Voting on an idea?
- Sorting out sub-groups and sub-group-leaders