Jeopardy Game - UMD-ENEE408I/ENEE408I_Spring_2021_Team_2 GitHub Wiki

  1. Clients join the game with alexa command (1st player sets lobby size)
  2. Server starts game when specified # of players join
  3. Initialize game stats: money, rounds(10?), player id (facial rec)
  4. Select player randomly to have initial control
  5. Beginning of the game loop
    a. prompt player in control for point value
    b. select question with point value and write question to clients
    c. clients buzz
    d. server waits for first buzz (unless all pass), this player is prompted to answer
    e. if answer is correct, they control value selection, if not
    i. state answer incorrect remaining clients can buzz again
    ii. clients buzz
    iii. server waits for first buzz (unless both pass), this player is prompted to answer
    iv. if correct next question, else, prompt last player for question or pass
    f. modify stats (current money, remaining rounds)
    g. if round is not last and score updates to players, go back to a, else go to 6
  6. Double Jeopardy
  7. Declare the winner to all clients with point totals
  8. Update lifetime stats
  9. End, say goodbye or play again (go to 3)