Turtlebot Progress Log - UMD-AIMAR/documentation GitHub Wiki



  1. Reinstalling ROS onto the lab computer (Remote PC). ROS needed new updates.
  • Ubuntu already installed
  • Reinstalled ROS onto Remote PC
  • Installed ROS dependent packages onto Remote PC
  • Configured network already (may want to check this if network fails).

This was our mistake. Changed localhost in .bashrc to REMOTE_PC_IP and RASPBERRY_PI_3_IP (replace titles with numbers)

  1. Did not reinstall Linux based on Raspbian
  2. Uploading OpenCR firmware
  • Goal: Add special Arduino module (OpenCR) to Arduino IDE to control Dynamixel motors on TB3.
  • Installed current version of Arduino IDE (1.8.9) onto Remote PC.
  • Created “tools” folder and moved Arduino 1.8.9 to the “tools” folder.
  • Installed OpenCR package onto Remote PC.
  • Installed bootloader
  1. Robot is not moving, but LED’s are alive.


Problem with no such file or directory, despite Arduino reinstall, permission access. Has extended to bother computers. Kevin recently messed up the remote PC so that might have something to do with it.


  • PROBLEM: Arduino OpenCR fails to compile fork/exec/home/robotis/.arduino15/packages/OpenCR/tools/opencr_gcc/5.4.0-2016q2/bin/arm-n

one-eabi-g++: no such file or directory

Error compiling for board OpenCR Board.

RESEARCH:https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenCR/issues/39 SOLUTION:sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev:i386


  • Battery replacement received, currently charging.
  • We tried charging it and putting it in. No luck.