ROS 2 Dashing Setup - UMD-AIMAR/documentation GitHub Wiki

Refer to the Turtlebot3 Manual instructions for ROS2, 16.1. PC Setup:

Details for each step in the manual section are noted below.

16.1.2. Install ROS 2 Dashing on Linux using Debian Packages:

16.1.3. Follow default instructions.

16.1.4. Install TurtleBot3 Packages: You may need to install some Python dependencies using pip install catkin_pkg empy lark-parser

To start using Gazebo and simulated navigation, see section 21 of the manual, ROS2 Simulation:

There was an error when testing ROS2:

Failed to load entry point 'hz': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The C extension '/home/team/ros2_dashing/ros2-linux/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rclpy/' failed to be imported while being present on the system. Please refer to '' for possible solutions

To fix it: sudo apt install libpocofoundation50

To fix another error with the demo, do: sudo apt install python-pip python3-pip python3-setuptools

Windows Setup:

Follow instructions to install ros2 dashing from binaries

To setup ros in current terminal use:

call C:\dev\ros2_dashing\local_setup.bat

Do this in each terminal for ROS use, or add to startup scripts (somehow)

Setup Qt: Intall qt 5.14.2 MSVC 2017 64-bit (from Add C:\Qt to path:

C:\Qt\5.14.2\msvc2017_64\bin\windeployqt C:\dev\ros2_dashing\Lib\turtlesim\turtlesim_node.exe

Run turtlesim:

call C:\dev\ros2_dashing\local_setup.bat ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node

Error notes:

On running turtlesim got error: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I tried:

intall qt 5.14.2 MSVC 2017 64-bit (from

  • Developer and Designer Tools (might not be necessary)

download libegl.dll

added to dll files and registered This didn't do anything lol

Add C:\Qt to path

C:\Qt\5.14.2\msvc2017_64\bin\windeployqt C:\dev\ros2_dashing\Lib\turtlesim\turtlesim_node.exe

This fixed it