Mycroft Setup - UMD-AIMAR/documentation GitHub Wiki

Last tested on 9/14/2020, using:

  • VirtualBox 6.1.14 (Windows) + KDE Neon User Edition, based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

VirtualBox Setup

If you use a Windows/MacOS machine, you will need to set up a VM (Virtual Machine) in order to edit and test the mycroft_aimar GUI code.

  1. Download VirtualBox
  2. Download KDE Neon User Edition
  3. Create a virtual machine and install KDE Neon.
  4. Install VirtualBox Guest Additions, starting from step 3. This lets you copy/paste to your VM and resize the VM window.

Installing Mycroft (Core and GUI) on the VM

Open Konsole (Terminal) and run the following commands (respond 'Yes' to all prompts):

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/mycroft-core

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/mycroft-gui

When running mycroft-core for the first time, you will be prompted to register your device at

For AIMAR members: use the account [email protected] - ask a team member for the password.

To run Mycroft with GUI, open two terminals.

  1. In the first terminal, navigate to mycroft-core and run ./ debug.
  2. In the other, navigate to mycroft-gui and run mycroft-gui-app.
  3. To close, mycroft-core, press Ctrl+C. Then run ./

Extra Skill Dependencies

holidays num2words wikipedia wolframalpha feedparser astral multi_key_dict timezonefinder mtranslate arrow pyowm

Wake Word Setup

Mimic must be locally built in order to use PocketSphinx wake words. Open ~/.mycroft/mycroft.conf in a text editor. Change it so it looks like this (max_allowed_core_version should already be in the file and should not be changed).

  "max_allowed_core_version": XX.X,
  "listener": {
    "wake_word": "aimar"
  "hotwords": {
    "aimar": {
      "module": "pocketsphinx",
      "phonemes": "EY M AA R .",
      "threshold": 1e-18

Now you can wake AIMAR by saying "AIMAR".