SPICE | VM Requirement Guidelines - UMCST/SPICE-user-info GitHub Wiki

This guide will outline the basic requirements of any virtual machine host spun up for lab or practice infrastructure based on both the operating system as well as the services running on the host. When setting up hosts, make sure that you are referring back to the OS Spin-Up Guide to make sure that you are setting everything up with the proper settings.

As this guide is bound to have errors and need to be added to as new services are used, after making sure that your edits are correct, feel free to update this page.

Service/Primary Function Assumed OS Processor Count Processor Core Count Memory Hard Disk Size
Linux Workstation (VDI) Linux (With GUI) 1 1 2 GB 16 GB
Windows Workstation Windows (With GUI) 1 2 4 GB 30 GB
VyOS Gateway Linux 1 1 2 GB 16 GB (Assuming either logging isn't being done or is being forwarded to a separate host) Refer to note below
pfSense Gateway FreeBSD 1 1 2 GB 16 GB (Assuming either logging isn't being done or is being forwarded to a separate host) Refer to note below
AD/DNS Windows 2 2 6 GB 50 GB
Docker Manager Linux 2 1 4 GB 30 GB
Docker Worker Linux 1 1 2 GB 30 GB
Wazuh Linux 1 1 8 GB 30 GB
Jumpbox Linux 1 1 2 GB 16 GB
CA Windows 1 2 6 GB 50 GB
Proxy (Teleport, HAProxy, etc.) Linux 2 1 4 GB 20 GB (50 GB to be safe if logs are going to be stored locally)
Jenkins Linux 2 1 4 GB 30 GB


* Gateway specs are the minimum possible requirement and need scaling in accordance with size of network (number of hosts it is encapsulating)

* Sparing the Linux Workstation, Windows Workstation and AD/DNS boxes, all of the above are assumed to be headless.