Quiz 4 - UMBC-CMSC104/General GitHub Wiki
Quiz 4 will be very similar to the last quiz. Two modules, A and B. Submit them both.
Name this program module_a.c.
For this one, you are to implement the Pythagorean theorem that says that: a2 + b2 = c2.
Read in any two positive integer values for a and b and print out the answer for c as a result. Use the pow
function to determine squares.
Name this program module_b.c.
Prompt the user for a number, and generate the following information:
- The absolute value
- The square root of the number
- The number to the 5th power (use the
Write a struct to store these, and store all of this information into that struct. Make a function to print out the struct.
To submit the modules, type:
submit cs104_wilson quiz4 module_a.c module_b.c