Login issues - UMBC-CMSC104/General GitHub Wiki

If you are having issues logging into the lab computers or to GL, the UMBC Linux environment, follow these steps to submit a support ticket.

Navigate to https://rt.umbc.edu/. You may have to log in using your myUMBC credentials.

Navigating to RT

Mouse over the "Ticket" item as shown above, and select "New ticket."

Selecting new ticket

Now, you should see a list of "queues" to place a ticket in. Select "Computer & Technology."

Selecting Computer & Technology

After this, you'll be presented with a form. Please fill it out similarly to what you see here, making sure to use your own e-mail address in the "requestor" field.

Fill out the ticket

Finally, look to the lower right hand corner of the form, and you'll see a "Create ticket" button.

Create the ticket

The DoIT team should respond to you soon -- make sure you do this before class, however, as they likely won't respond quickly enough for that!