Homework 9 - UMBC-CMSC104/General GitHub Wiki

We'll be using more strings and string functions in this assignment. Call your code dictionary.c.

For this program, you're going to be writing a little mini dictionary with a few other features.

The user will be able to query for a word in your mini dictionary:

Welcome to the little dictionary!
Please enter the word that you'd like a definition for:

when the user enters a word:

Please enter the word that you'd like a definition for: undine
undine (length: 6, number of vowels: 3)
Definition: A female spirit or nymph inhabiting water

The user should be able to query over and over again unless they type "quit." When they quit, print out a brief search history (use a 1024 character array for this search history):

Please enter the word that you'd like a definition for: quit
You searched for: undine, falafel, milquetoast
Thanks for using the little dictionary!

The dictionary must support 10 words of your own choosing. You must calculate the length and number of vowels programmatically (don't just say printf("undine (length: 6, number of vowels: 3)").

To submit this, type:

submit cs104_wilson hw09 dictionary.c