Extra Credit 1 - UMBC-CMSC104/General GitHub Wiki
This extra credit assignment is worth up to 10 points toward your homework/classwork combined grade. For this extra credit assignment, I need a guide for running and using the emacs text editor. In order to figure this out, you'll likely need:
- Google to figure certain things out
- A Linux console (UMBC's GL) to play around with
- The willingness to experiment despite not necessarily knowing what you're doing
Key things that I would like to see:
- How to start Emacs
- How to save files
- How to copy/paste using only the keyboard
- How to enable syntax highlighting
- How to enable automatic indentation
Things that will help your extra credit grade:
- Clear explanations
- Pictures demonstrating how to do things (Greenshot is a good open source tool for taking pictures of your desktop)
- At least 1 to 2 pages if not more.
You have until the 12/13 (that's the day of the final) to turn this in.