Classwork 1 - UMBC-CMSC104/General GitHub Wiki
Creating the class directory structure
We already got started on this in class by creating cw01.
Before you get started, go to your classwork 1 directory and type:
script cw01.txt
This will record your console commands and output for this classwork. Don't worry about experimenting or making mistakes -- you will not be graded poorly for this. You will get full credit as long as something is submitted.
Now, we will have a total of 13 classworks and 13 homeworks. Make a separate directory for each classwork (cw01-cw13) and each homework (hw01-hw13) within your cs104 directory.
Demonstration of commands
I want you to perform the following tasks:
- Create a directory within your cw01 directory called "demo"
- Create two files in this directory called 1 and 2 (you choose the contents)
- Attempt to remove demo. This should fail because the directory is not empty
Submitting the files
Now that you're done, type Ctrl+D. This will terminate the "script" command from earlier.
Now we're going to submit both this file and the joke.txt from earlier. Please familiarize yourself with Using Submit.
To submit your files, type
submit cs104_wilson cw01 joke2.txt cw01.txt
With that, we should be done. Congrats!