mean_flow_output - UK-FVCOM-Usergroup/uk-fvcom GitHub Wiki

Output mean flow files

  • Enable the FLAG_19 = -DTIDE_OUTPUT in the file in the FVCOM source directory.
  • Ensure the FLAG_18 = -DMEAN_FLOW is commented out.
  • Recompile FVCOM to account for the new configuration (may require a make clean followed by make).
  • In the FVCOM name list, turn off all outputs:
    RST_ON           = F,
    NC_ON            = F,
    NCAV_ON          = F,
  • Disable all bar the tidal forcing at the boundary:
    WIND_ON                       = F,
    HEATING_ON                    = F,
    PRECIPITATION_ON              = F,
    AIRPRESSURE_ON                = F,
  • Turn off all temperature and salinity nudging and mean flow:
    OBC_TEMP_NUDGING           = F,
    OBC_SALT_NUDGING           = F,
    OBC_MEANFLOW               = F,
  • Set temperature, salinity and velocity to constant:
    STARTUP_TYPE      = 'coldstart',
    STARTUP_UV_TYPE   = 'default',
    STARTUP_TURB_TYPE = 'default',
    STARTUP_TS_TYPE   = 'constant',
    STARTUP_T_VALS    = 10.5,
    STARTUP_S_VALS    = 35.0,
    STARTUP_U_VALS    = 0.0E+0,
    STARTUP_V_VALS    = 0.0E+0,
  • In the &NML_OPEN_BOUNDARY_CONTROL section of the name list, edit the OBC_TIDEOUT_INITIAL and OBC_TIDEOUT_INTERVAL directives:
    OBC_TIDEOUT_INITIAL         = 1,
    OBC_TIDEOUT_INTERVAL        = 600,

This differs from the instructions in the manual which specify OBC_TIDEOUT_INITIAL is of the form YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, which doesn't work, and OBC_TIDEOUT_INTERVAL is of the form seconds = 720.0, which also doesn't work. Incidentally, the OBC_TIDEOUT_INTERVAL should be an integer value (i.e. 600, not 600.0).