Application Requirements - UGS-GIO/wetlandPlants GitHub Wiki

Calcite (UGS’s current, full-screen web mapping application user interface)

Project Timing:
What time does this project need completed by?
-End of FY20 (@dmenuz, update as needed)

Project Charge Code:
1)What is the charge code?

2)How many hours can Web Services charge to it?
-ask Diane

Project Scope:
1) What data layer(s) do you want? (point/polygon/line/raster)
-Need to figure out where this is defined most recently in this Google Drive Folder

2) What do you want the popups to look like?
-Need to figure out where this is defined most recently in this Google Drive Folder

3) What attributes do you want shown in the popups?
-Need to figure out where this is defined most recently in this Google Drive Folder

4) What layers do you want on by default?
-Need to figure out where this is defined most recently in this Google Drive Folder

5) What kind of search functionality do you need (if any)?
-Need to figure out where this is defined most recently in this Google Drive Folder

6) Please outline any other functionality you require in this document:
-(@dmenuz, update as needed)

Begin creating content for the applications’s panels here

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