About Panel (for review) - UGS-GIO/rockcore GitHub Wiki

Take a look at qFaults’ “About Panel” for a good template for the following items):

1) About Application (required):

Established in 1951, the Utah Geological Survey’s Utah Core Research Center contains the region’s only publicly available and most complete collection of geologic core and cuttings from Utah. The facility presently holds core from over 1500 drill holes, totaling about 400,000 feet of material, and cuttings from nearly 5000 drill holes, representing over 57,000,000 feet of subsurface data. This collection represents about $5 billion worth of investment in Utah’s natural resources.
The UCRC’s collection also includes cataloged outcrop samples (mostly from graduate student projects and state geologic mapping efforts), cuttings from water and geothermal wells, sidewall plugs, and numerous other hand samples.
The UCRC inventory can be searched using this map or the entire database can be downloaded as a spreadsheet. If you have any questions regarding the UCRC’s collection or would like to look at any of the samples, please contact Peter Nielsen, UCRC Curator, 801.537.3359, [email protected]

2) Related Information (e.g. links)

Related Information

UCRC Inventory Database (xlsx)

Utah Core Research Center

Oil & Gas Well Logs (Division of Oil, Gas and Mining)
View scanned logs of Utah oil and gas wells.

Non-Petroleum Well Data
Contains non-confidential old paper well data for non-petroleum exploration holes drilled in Utah.

3) Database Contents (optional – also can be in own panel)

4) Background & Acknowledgments (optional – also can be in own panel)

5) Contacts (required – also can be in own panel)

6) Disclaimer (also can be in own panel)

7) Application Instructions
Search Options: Users can search the UCRC Inventory by entering UWI Number, Well Name, Operator, Producing Formation, Township or Range in the search bar(found in upper-right corner of window). Users can clear all search results by clicking the “X” in the search bar.

Wells on the Map: Clicking on a well location will open a pop-up that provides summary information for that particular well. Along the bottom of the pop-up an inventory button will open a table of all related inventory for that well that is housed at the UCRC. A photo button will open a gallery of photographs for the related inventory(not all inventory has photographs).

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