Database documentation - UGS-GIO/geochron GitHub Wiki
1. Database Name
Multiple gdbs that the Hazards dept maintains. Eugene is now taking over project and will have his own working database.
All data has been MOVED to the ughp sde and is currently being worked on there. Once completed, this workflow will need to be updated. More info here under ughp database section:
Geodatabase - Final Version (web application version) – on geology server – apps – geochron – mxd
2. Schema
Database schema is documented here. This file is a python-generated document of the field names, field types, coordinate systems, and data locations within the Final geodatabase for each feature class (there are no tables or relationship classes)
Field Names used in the app need to be documented—work with Hazards to document field names in a copy of the schema document.
Domains - none existing in the database currently
Indexes – none existing
3. Permissions
Editing version: editor
Final version: Nathan Payen, Marshall Robinson
ArcGIS Server: Public version for web application consumption
AGOL: public layer shared with AGRC
4. Workflow
When it is time to republish the data, the Data Manager transfers the data to the app server "\\geology\html\apps\geochron\mxds\Geochronology_Final.mxd". Once the data is loaded onto the apps server, the data manager overwrites the Geochron map server on ArcGIS Server.
There is also a shared version of the geochron database on AGOL - in the 'AGRC data' group (Utah_geological_survey user). The feature layer in this group needs to be replaced with the new data when the web app is updated. Add the Server service as an Item to AGOL and share with this group. Once done, let the AGRC know (Zach beck) that the data was updated.
5. Update schedule
Gordon? 2x per year? Fiscal year? As-needed?
6. Data services