Ninja Turtle Turret - UCSD-E4E/intelligent_camera_trap GitHub Wiki


The Ninja Turtle Turret is a modified x10 Ninja Pan Tilt Platform. It uses the hardware from the x10 with a new microcontroller (Atmega168) to control the pan and tilt over UART. See remote_360/motor_controller.(h,cpp) for a C++ API and Turret/NINJA_168 for the Atmel Studio project for the Atmega168 firmware.


  1. First, using an AVR programmer over ISP, flash the chip45boot2 Atmega168 bootloader hex file onto the AVR. This lets you program the turret over UART instead of ISP, which makes firmware updates easy.
  2. Next, either compile or download the latest NINJA_168.hex file. Using the chip45boot2 GUI, connect to the bootloader using some sort of serial connection (19200 baud rate). Once connected, program in the .hex file with the chip45boot2 GUI.
  3. To confirm success, connect to the Atmega168 to a serial viewer (again, 19200 baud rate) and cycle the Atmega's power. You should see something like:


(version number)