Pull Requests - UCSD-E4E/Pyrenote GitHub Wiki

Pull Requests and Deployment Pipeline

All new changes must be made on their own branch. Each branch must then be made into a pull request onto the main branch. Each PR currently requires 1 reviewer to review and approve the changes, as well as all status checks passing before it can be merged into main.

Before merging, make sure you have "Squash and Merge" selected, and not "Merge pull request". This will help us clean up the git history!

After merging, go to the "Releases" page on the right sidebar and update the latest release with your changes! The proper format to do this is shown in the Releases section.

Changes to the live server will be made every time a new version of the system is released. This will occur each time the release version is updated. The production branch runs the most recent stable release of the program and will be updated each time a new stable release is available. This is done by an administrator making a Pull Request to the production branch, and this PR must be reviewed by 2 people. Only then is the release squashed and merged into the production branch. Then, the administrator will update and deploy this branch on the server instance.