Setting Up The Beaglebone Black Board - UCSD-E4E/AngryBirds GitHub Wiki
Note: The software tools detailed on this page are Windows specific, but similar programs should be readily available for Linux or Mac users.
Recommended tools:
7zip is a good open source tool for this.
Win32 is a nice compact application for restoring and writing images to bootable devices
The Angry Birds BBB runs on 14.04 Ubuntu LTS (Trust Tahr). You can find a link to the boot image here.
###Writing the Image to a Micro SD Card### 1. Download the image 2. Once the image has been downloaded, extract the image file using a file compression/extaction utility 3. Insert the micro SD Card into the computer 4. Write the extracted image onto the card using an imager program. 5. Remove the SD card. Your BBB is now ready to be flashed.
###Flashing the Image on to the BBB###
1. Insert micro SD card into the BBB with the power removed
2. While holding down the User Boot (UBoot) button, insert the 5V power
3. Continue holding down the UBoot button until all 4 LEDs flash solid
simultaneously. (You can now let go of the button.)
4. Wait until all 4 LEDs light up simultaneously again before removing power.
This process can take anywhere between 10 - 30 minutes
5. When all 4 LED simultaneously light up and remain on, remove the power and
SD card, then reapply power to the board.
The BBB should now have ubuntu 14.04 LTS running on its emmc. By default the [username / password] is [ubuntu / temppwd]
###Installation of Required Libraries###
After a fresh installation, we must first update the package lists from the ubuntu repos and get the latest info on the packages and dependencies. This is also important for when we install openCV next.
<presudo apt-get update
OpenCV is an open source library of computer vision functions.
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
AVCONV is a video and audio converter and streamer
sudo apt-get install libav-tools
BlackLib : is a Beaglebone Black C++ Library for GPIO, ADC and PWM
Note: Necessary BlackLib files are already contained in the Angry Birds repo, so no need to install BlackLib separately.
Clone from the UCSD E4E Angry Birds repo
git clone