Cron Job - UCSD-E4E/AngryBirds GitHub Wiki

This page will detail the cron jobs used to schedule our scripts to run at the appropriate times.

To edit the crontab file: > crontab -e

(Note: make sure not to run sudo crontab -e instead)

# Set the system clock on boot @reboot cd /home/ubuntu/AngryBirds/RTC/ && sudo ./clock_init

# Mount the external SDCard for storage on boot each time. (SD Card registers # as mmcblk1p1 on this device) @reboot sudo mount /dev/mmcblk1p1/ /home/ubuntu/AngryBirds/SDCard/ -t auto

# Schedules system clock to be checked against RTC every 5 minutes */5 * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/AngryBirds/RTC/ && sudo ./clock_init

# Initializes continuous footage capture at 4am 0 4 * * * cd /home/ubuntu/AngryBirds/ && sudo ./main&

# Stops continuous footage capture at 9am 0 9 * * * cd /home/ubuntu/AngryBirds/ && sudo ./sendStop&

# Post-process -> concatenate image files into video 1 9 * * * cd /home/ubuntu/AngryBirds/Concat/ && sudo ./process_dirs

# For testing purposes (turns on/ turns off every 5 minutes) #0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/AngryBirds/bin && sudo ./ir_concat_ma$ #5,15,25,35,45,55 * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/AngryBirds/bin && sudo ./sendStop #6, 16,26,36,46,56 * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/AngryBirds/Concat/ && sudo./process_$