Centroid Response Functions - UCSCLAO/ShaneAO GitHub Wiki

We would like to understand the centroid response function for ShaneAO.

The response function is a function that converts arc seconds of physical spot offsets through the lenslet array to digital numbers of slope in the x or y direction.

This function will vary with seeing, and is different on the white-light calibration source vs. the sky.

Measuring the response functions

We think we should do this with the internal calibration light source.

Our general procedure:

  1. Apply tilt to the woofer.
  2. Measure slope response to a specific amount of tilt.

To measure this with varying spot sizes, apply focus to the woofer, defocusing the spots, and then repeat the above procedure.

This should get us graphs of tilt vs slope response for each subaperture with varying spot sizes.