Adding or updating publications on website - UCL/TLOmodel GitHub Wiki

The steps to add a new or update the details of existing publication on the website are:

  1. Add or update publications to tlomodel Zotero group library using web or desktop apps. You will need to register for a Zotero account if you do not already have one and apply to join the tlomodel group.
  2. If you are adding a new publication you will need to assign a tag (keyword) to the Zotero library item corresponding to one of the existing section headers on the website publication list. If you wish the publication to appear under a new section headwer, add a new entry to the list passed to the section_names argument to write_publication_list in the script docs/ and assign the tag accordingly to the Zotero library item.
  3. From the root of a clone of the TLOmodel repository and with your tlo Python environment activated run
     tox -e update-publications
    If you see any warnings indicating there are BibTeX entries not containing keywords corresponding to one of the section headers you may need to check you have completed step 2 correctly. Note the keywords are not case sensitive.
  4. Stage and commit any changes to docs/publications.bib on a new branch and open a pull-request.