Learning resources Intro to Legion - UCL/RCPSTrainingMaterials GitHub Wiki


  • MCQs - for each section?
  • As pre-reqs - legion account required, explain where/how to request
  • Some shuffling around of existing content and materials will be required

Lesson 1:

  • Transcript - text & audio file
  • Animation for weather / fluid sims
  • Add term defs for Amdahl's law
  • Some content shift to lesson 2

Lesson 2: The cluster

  • review generic software stack slide
  • some new content needed re: threads & processes - some content in current legion overview slides

Lesson 3: Logging in

  • Branch instructions dependent on OS (windows, linux/OSx) and onsite/off-site

Lesson 4: Data management

  • copying data onto legion - onsite & off-site
  • screenshots/captures for WinScp (Windows), link to cyberduck and for linux/osx

Lesson 5: software / modules

  • screenshots: exceed, xming, xquartz(osx)
  • screenshot: running nedit?
  • cover env var?

Lesson 6:

  • diagram/animation: tmpdir & working directory
  • diagram/animation: script directory changes
  • using job hist

Lesson 7:

  • talking head intro?
  • link to research integrity website