Stata on Myriad - UCL/ECON-CLUSTER GitHub Wiki

After connecting to myriad:

       module load stata     # (loads stata module which sets unix environment variables needed to run stata)
       stata-mp                   #  (command line version of stata mp)
       xstata-mp                 #  (GUI version of stata mp. This will only work if you connect to myriad using X forwarding. "ssh -X [email protected]"

This will run an interactive session on the login node. Use this for short, interactive, development sessions that don't use a lot of memory or system resources

To run an interactive session on one of the compute nodes: qrsh -l h_rt=24:0:0,mem=8G -pe smp 8 -now no This connects to a compute node with: 1) maximum 24 hours runnning time
2) 8GB of memory 3) 8 processing cores all on a single server (stata-mp can use up to N cores, I don't know what N is. each myriad server has 36 cores) 4) -now no asks the scheduler NOT to quit if failure to schedule After connecting with qrsh, then: module load stata xstata-mp or stata-mp

To submit a batch job, write an SGE script and submit with qsub. SGE script is a text file. Below is example:


Below is the text of the file:

#!/bin/bash -l
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -l h_rt=24:0:0
#$ -l mem=2G
#$ -l tmpfs=4G
#$ -pe smp 8
##$ -t 1-5.  # use this to submit a task array 
#$ -N stata_job1
#$ -wd /home/username/Job1Directory
#$ -o /home/username/Scratch/Job1OutputDirectory/job1.log

module load stata
stata-mp -b

# First two lines tell the scheduler and the server to use bash
# h_rt = 24:0:0 max run time of 24 hours
# mem=2G request 2GB of memory
# tmfs=4G requests 4GB of temporary file system space
# -pe smp 8 request to use the smp parallel environment with 8 processing cores
# -t allows one to submit an "array of tasks" 
# -N is the job name
# -wd is the working directory
# -o is the output log

#end of script

After submitting: qstat shows the status of the job (including job_id). qdel job_id to delete the job man qstat for documentation on qstat

Hopefully all above is correct.