uids - UCHAIN-WORLD/uchain-fullnode GitHub Wiki

title: uids

Command list

  • registeruid

    stop ucd.
    • Parameters (named)
    1. -f or [--fee] The fee of tx. defaults to 100 UCN .
    2. -p or [--percentage] Percentage of fee send to miner. minimum is 20 which is the default value.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    3. ADDRESS The address will be bound to, can change to other addresses later.
    4. SYMBOL The symbol of global unique UC Digital Identity Destination/Index, supports alphabets/numbers/(“@”, “.”, “_”, “-“), case-sensitive, maximum length is 64.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli registeruid tony4 123456 UfEUeYUPL8pNW7g8taDQKbHjuawSwFJXiX [email protected]
    "hash" : "302dd8a3c07966b6420b7ae8c7447eb7a86d1c41a1d81acbad9e0855eae4aff4",
    "inputs" : 
    		"address" : "UfEUeYUPL8pNW7g8taDQKbHjuawSwFJXiX",
    		"previous_output" : 
    			"hash" : "24a69d91e0e034ff9e9d98de0d11bd7ac1bd7c1ebd53e66043a56a0df27c8b30",
    			"index" : 0
    		"script" : "[ 30440220283bf9ce03a5d22c25a507bbdc893af0fe1246db12fe5095c674bd9f9519dd800220064bbc8e7c7941410755949dc2f2899a9b9e47453a44fab89dfaae602d6ecd4201 ] [ 02328a6c43d56baa8ed09abbac7b5fdf59ea7b79ea3321c643db590b2984d797d3 ]",
    		"sequence" : 4294967295
    "lock_time" : "0",
    "outputs" : 
    		"address" : "UfEUeYUPL8pNW7g8taDQKbHjuawSwFJXiX",
    		"asset" : 
    			"address" : "UfEUeYUPL8pNW7g8taDQKbHjuawSwFJXiX",
    			"symbol" : "[email protected]",
    			"type" : "uid-register"
    		"index" : 0,
    		"locked_height_range" : 0,
    		"script" : "dup hash160 [ bd363e5463bd682d1ba7dfa174150db344865597 ] equalverify checksig",
    		"value" : 0
    		"address" : "UQudmH5pc3BuBebzVrdhVeXR8P8JXGUwCZ",
    		"asset" : 
    			"type" : "ucn"
    		"index" : 1,
    		"locked_height_range" : 0,
    		"script" : "dup hash160 [ 20143060db1a710b2759207a4bc0cb36b8d95afe ] equalverify checksig",
    		"value" : 8000000000
    		"address" : "UfEUeYUPL8pNW7g8taDQKbHjuawSwFJXiX",
    		"asset" : 
    			"type" : "ucn"
    		"index" : 2,
    		"locked_height_range" : 0,
    		"script" : "dup hash160 [ bd363e5463bd682d1ba7dfa174150db344865597 ] equalverify checksig",
    		"value" : 10000000000
    "version" : "4"

  • transferuid


    • Parameters (named)
    1. -f or [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 200000 UCN bits.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    3. TOADDRESS Target address
    4. UIDSYMBOL Uid symbol
    • Example
    $ uc-cli transferuid yang 123456 UkRYvsnfJkwSTAUCcZnqCK8sE1ZYJP6so7 [email protected]
    "hash" : "d168b5d5ae2096f1ba75393e170c71b05c30804eebc7a7f2aeba50b0fd67c96f",
    "inputs" : 
    		"address" : "UkRYvsnfJkwSTAUCcZnqCK8sE1ZYJP6so7",
    		"previous_output" : 
    			"hash" : "3f00b7d6f63e13a03fd1ba6f7d1a8933cd9ceee97a4458115d95b77dfa73bd66",
    			"index" : 1
    		"script" : "[ 30450221008e151a313f5ea1d7b9d8ab4e87d4132fc0e98dab5fd9dd18b8990bb54e4ec8940220355b4deb68895cef2e85c03e600adb9c672e5920c0e4b61ad96742b3fbfa2bc601 ] [ 0386e78227d2e2a80e5d99a727a48b67501ea87223634544a38ae1c1720e59167d ]",
    		"sequence" : 4294967295
    		"address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx",
    		"previous_output" : 
    			"hash" : "2f75897cba171de110f0fb8d4b40b6cb56d224b71a3ee57eab319bf433b16b0d",
    			"index" : 0
    		"script" : "[ 30440220240fe152547ff74ab41f3c8f99487258e70b73d0c0668b8cbe46bf6e5233ee29022034a25339731ff6194dde0aaf27ba338e8cf6fc7eb538359bbc71a7f498b10fb301 ] [ 027c99068f735e53064682b9ef1f548a00191b5ffb2fd9b9c8f32cde97793a0ed4 ]",
    		"sequence" : 4294967295
    "lock_time" : "0",
    "outputs" : 
    		"address" : "UkRYvsnfJkwSTAUCcZnqCK8sE1ZYJP6so7",
    		"asset" : 
    			"address" : "UkRYvsnfJkwSTAUCcZnqCK8sE1ZYJP6so7",
    			"symbol" : "[email protected]",
    			"type" : "uid-transfer"
    		"index" : 0,
    		"locked_height_range" : 0,
    		"script" : "dup hash160 [ f62705a6cfc44ad47792988464b6e47a06ef114a ] equalverify checksig",
    		"value" : 0
    "version" : "4"

  • showuids

    This command is used to add/remove p2p node.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -i or [--index] Page index. Default is 1.
    2. -l or [--limit] UID count per page.Default is 100.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. NODEADDRESS The target node address, e.g:
    2. WALLET_NAME Wallet name just for local.
    3. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password(authorization) just for local.
    • Example
    uc-cli showuids
    "current_page" : 1,
    "total_count" : 3,
    "total_page" : 1,
    "uids" : 
    		"address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx",
    		"status" : "registered",
    		"symbol" : "[email protected]"
    		"address" : "UfEUeYUPL8pNW7g8taDQKbHjuawSwFJXiX",
    		"status" : "registered",
    		"symbol" : "[email protected]"
    		"address" : "1111111111111111111114oLvT2",
    		"status" : "registered",
    		"symbol" : "BLACKHOLE"

  • showuid

    show uid
  • Parameters (positional)
    1. UIDORADDRESS Uid symbol or standard address; If no input parameters, then display whole network UIDs.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli showuid [email protected]
    	"address" : "UfEUeYUPL8pNW7g8taDQKbHjuawSwFJXiX",
    	"status" : "current",
    	"symbol" : "[email protected]"