token - UCHAIN-WORLD/uchain-fullnode GitHub Wiki

title: token

  • createtoken

    create token
    • Parameters (named)
    1. -d or [--description] The token data chuck, defaults to empty string.
    2. -i or [--issuer] Issue must be specified as a UID symbol.
    3. -n or [--decimalnumber] The token amount decimal number, defaults to 0.
    4. -r or [--rate] The percent threshold value when you secondary issue. 0, not allowed to secondary issue; -1, the token can be secondary issue freely; [1, 100], the token can be secondary issue when own percentage greater than or equal to this value. Defaults to 0.
    5. -s or [--symbol] The token symbol, global uniqueness, only supports UPPER-CASE alphabet and dot(.), eg: -.LAPTOP, dot separates prefix '-', It's impossible to create any token named with '-' prefix, but this issuer.
    6. -v or [--volume] The token maximum supply volume, with unit of integer bits.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    • Example
     $ uc-cli createtoken -i [email protected] -s bala -v 10000 yang 123456
    "address" : "",
    "decimal_number" : 0,
    "description" : "",
    "is_secondaryissue" : false,
    "issuer" : "[email protected]",
    "maximum_supply" : 10000,
    "secondaryissue_threshold" : 0,
    "status" : "unissued",
    "symbol" : "BALA"

  • deletetoken

    create token

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -s or [--symbol] The token symbol/name. Global unique.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    • Example
     $ uc-cli deletetoken -s bala yang 123456
    	"status" : "deleted successfully",
    	"symbol" : "BALA"

  • registertoken

    Broadcast the token whole network.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -f or [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 UCN bits.
    2. -m or [--model] The token offering model by block height. TYPE=1 - fixed quantity model; TYPE=2 - specify parameters; LQ - Locked Quantity each period; LP - Locked Period, numeber of how many blocks; UN - Unlock Number, number of how many LPs; eg: TYPE=1;LQ=9000;LP=60000;UN=3 TYPE=2;LQ=9000;LP=60000;UN=3;UC=20000,20000,20000;UQ=3000,3000,3000 defaults to disable.
    3. -p or [--percentage] Percentage of fee send to miner. minimum is 20.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    3. SYMBOL The token symbol, global uniqueness, only supports UPPER-CASE alphabet and dot(.)
    • Example
    $ uc-cli registertoken yang 123456 BALA
    	"hash" : "19bc96f1e5ce3b69d0d97542ce4a355daafa186e75ab2749d04d7b5bd8e3b714",
    	"inputs" : 
    			"address" : "UkRYvsnfJkwSTAUCcZnqCK8sE1ZYJP6so7",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "32bca25c8c3b69fae98d25d6570b5f6671e01a9806f3bbb3f7e3ea9823d46b40",
    				"index" : 1
    			"script" : "[ 3045022100a7f4b8558b32e00cdac92c4bf380aa4852965be363e4f7e17543677ee6d45d3902203bd3c252a18de9f8f43b4546f6f580b5ea1c00738d4a27eaf837eed02a14866401 ] [ 0386e78227d2e2a80e5d99a727a48b67501ea87223634544a38ae1c1720e59167d ]",
    			"sequence" : 4294967295
    			"address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "addc571765ee76b32eacf1c8e412b6e0eba1f302bcb16974bcadf250a547916b",
    				"index" : 2
    			"script" : "[ 30450221009fbf933b50c170286deb470da86c51bf7a9084a3035e68f7a20cc2eceac1622502203ee3ed41a915ab3c77645aabecdf3de21dacb136b0c701899469cd34bcdc244001 ] [ 027c99068f735e53064682b9ef1f548a00191b5ffb2fd9b9c8f32cde97793a0ed4 ]",
    			"sequence" : 4294967295
    	"lock_time" : "0",
    	"outputs" : 
    			"address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx",
    			"asset" : 
    				"address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx",
    				"decimal_number" : 0,
    				"description" : "",
    				"is_secondaryissue" : false,
    				"issuer" : "[email protected]",
    				"quantity" : 10000,
    				"secondaryissue_threshold" : 0,
    				"symbol" : "BALA",
    				"to_uid" : "[email protected]",
    				"type" : "token-issue"
    			"index" : 0,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ 078910a58cea508623e2be9b38beb6e7d576e880 ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 0
    			"address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx",
    			"asset" : 
    				"address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx",
    				"cert" : "domain",
    				"owner" : "[email protected]",
    				"symbol" : "BALA",
    				"to_uid" : "[email protected]",
    				"type" : "token-cert"
    			"index" : 1,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ 078910a58cea508623e2be9b38beb6e7d576e880 ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 0
    			"address" : "UNKAn2fsG5CPeP4s9mxTvJKSjmqqdwu3Tq",
    			"asset" : 
    				"type" : "ucn"
    			"index" : 2,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ 039f445e123efa6e43a55fbb274e631646875a6a ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 800000000000
    			"address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx",
    			"asset" : 
    				"type" : "ucn"
    			"index" : 3,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ 078910a58cea508623e2be9b38beb6e7d576e880 ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 80999017999200000
    	"version" : "4"

  • sendtokento

    send token to someone.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -c or [--change] Change to this uid/address.
    2. -f or [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 UCN bits.
    3. -i or [--memo] Attached memo for this transaction.
    4. -m or [--model] The token offering model by block height. TYPE=1 - fixed quantity model; TYPE=2 - specify parameters; LQ - Locked Quantity each period; LP - Locked Period, numeber of how many blocks; UN - Unlock Number, number of how many LPs; eg: TYPE=1;LQ=9000;LP=60000;UN=3 TYPE=2;LQ=9000;LP=60000;UN=3;UC=20000,20000,20000;UQ=3000,3000,3000 defaults to disable.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    3. TO_ Asset receiver uid/address.
    4. TOKEN Asset token symbol.
    5. AMOUNT Asset integer bits. see token <decimal_number>.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli sendtokento yang 123456 USa9SKiMHZ3TRcodvJi6oGVgS65iy47Hh4 BLOCK 100
    	"hash" : "2a8e2a4132f2519da3d6bb26a3833c2f6f081b5ddb18247c781d585b821b90a8",
    	"inputs" : 
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "d3708c58132c0627288bb4f94d7984b745b9cf00c00b7b8b92ab2792de7463c1",
    				"index" : 0
    			"script" : "[ 30450221009343f4f9ebe0c860f625bec0ad4044f79dc426cfb35fb36a7a17952b7bcfd8d20220021d41f64122825f1d2c92eb08866d99a46246155ea1072741b0783db03c86fd01 ] [ 03bec77692da62f861065c04d09de5b217c14be033453a9235a1c67853cccf3ea9 ]",
    			"sequence" : 4294967295
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "1d51c51c4b0ef79855b7aa0d79a8dfad2996b00c927a8ccc41d59e43c443c21f",
    				"index" : 1
    			"script" : "[ 30440220371062c0adad7a2a2a2059786b7629116f53a14cb34e97760e519dfa8ae3e9ae02204113fb77fafd36d2be2ea4769604ec1acc34dfbb1686838ba282fa0a4346819001 ] [ 03bec77692da62f861065c04d09de5b217c14be033453a9235a1c67853cccf3ea9 ]",
    			"sequence" : 4294967295
    	"lock_time" : "0",
    	"outputs" : 
    			"address" : "USa9SKiMHZ3TRcodvJi6oGVgS65iy47Hh4",
    			"asset" : 
    				"quantity" : 100,
    				"symbol" : "BLOCK",
    				"type" : "token-transfer"
    			"index" : 0,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ 3254e428b11bf9c23a227c3148148fa868ff3e9d ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 0
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"asset" : 
    				"type" : "ucn"
    			"index" : 1,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ e65032659d90b0c770f649a385949001f6a4ddfd ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 81999979998929990
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"asset" : 
    				"quantity" : 7539,
    				"symbol" : "BLOCK",
    				"type" : "token-transfer"
    			"index" : 2,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ e65032659d90b0c770f649a385949001f6a4ddfd ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 0
    	"version" : "4"

  • sendtokenfrom

    send token to someone from specific address.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -c or [--change] Change to this uid/address.
    2. -f or [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 UCN bits.
    3. -i or [--memo] Attached memo for this transaction.
    4. -m or [--model] The token offering model by block height. TYPE=1 - fixed quantity model; TYPE=2 - specify parameters; LQ - Locked Quantity each period; LP - Locked Period, numeber of how many blocks; UN - Unlock Number, number of how many LPs; eg: TYPE=1;LQ=9000;LP=60000;UN=3 TYPE=2;LQ=9000;LP=60000;UN=3;UC=20000,20000,20000;UQ=3000,3000,3000 defaults to disable.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    3. FROM_ From uid/address
    4. TO_ Asset receiver uid/address.
    5. SYMBOL Asset symbol.
    6. AMOUNT Asset integer bits. see token <decimal_number>.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli sendtokenfrom yang 123456 UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq USa9SKiMHZ3TRcodvJi6oGVgS65iy47Hh4 BLOCK 100
    	"hash" : "fbc32557334266bf5fcfcb9a02b06487923a6791477803d8c3b3a0b8ac39bc18",
    	"inputs" : 
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "1362c7e68badbed8837d5ae6b9022c92df4ba50b06aae488582e0ca6475aad94",
    				"index" : 1
    			"script" : "[ 304402202b831fdf179125a934822eb83aad0485e6cb038941f76fe9a089c5488a5ae67f0220603620b84ccf4877c070ab527e7a092084b9693f4b1716a58cd3580ffc272a7c01 ] [ 03bec77692da62f861065c04d09de5b217c14be033453a9235a1c67853cccf3ea9 ]",
    			"sequence" : 4294967295
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "2a8e2a4132f2519da3d6bb26a3833c2f6f081b5ddb18247c781d585b821b90a8",
    				"index" : 2
    			"script" : "[ 3044022056062d1b0f6e5ea0c4e3edee90aa82c34024932afb8b84928fc86d1078cd1bdf022048ba36074dfe682a572084cd8c8cc0544bc3f7b1d9f2481c7669e88f174c743e01 ] [ 03bec77692da62f861065c04d09de5b217c14be033453a9235a1c67853cccf3ea9 ]",
    			"sequence" : 4294967295
    	"lock_time" : "0",
    	"outputs" : 
    			"address" : "USa9SKiMHZ3TRcodvJi6oGVgS65iy47Hh4",
    			"asset" : 
    				"quantity" : 100,
    				"symbol" : "BLOCK",
    				"type" : "token-transfer"
    			"index" : 0,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ 3254e428b11bf9c23a227c3148148fa868ff3e9d ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 0
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"asset" : 
    				"type" : "ucn"
    			"index" : 1,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ e65032659d90b0c770f649a385949001f6a4ddfd ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 19999920000
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"asset" : 
    				"quantity" : 7439,
    				"symbol" : "BLOCK",
    				"type" : "token-transfer"
    			"index" : 2,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ e65032659d90b0c770f649a385949001f6a4ddfd ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 0
    	"version" : "4"

  • showtokens

    list tokens details.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -c or [--cert] If specified, then only get related cert. Default is not specified.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli showtokens yang 123456
    		"decimal_number" : 1,
    		"description" : "BLOCK token is issued by blackhole,just for name not to use",
    		"issuer" : "BLACKHOLE",
    		"locked_quantity" : 0,
    		"quantity" : 70522,
    		"secondaryissue_threshold" : 0,
    		"status" : "unspent",
    		"symbol" : "BLOCK"

  • showtoken

    Show existed tokens details from UC blockchain.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -c or [--cert] If specified, then only get related cert. Default is not specified.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. SYMBOL Asset symbol. If not specified, will show whole network token symbols.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli showtoken BLOCK
    		"address" : "1111111111111111111114oLvT2",
    		"decimal_number" : 1,
    		"description" : "BLOCK token is issued by blackhole,just for name not to use",
    		"is_secondaryissue" : false,
    		"issuer" : "BLACKHOLE",
    		"maximum_supply" : 1,
    		"secondaryissue_threshold" : 0,
    		"status" : "issued",
    		"symbol" : "BLOCK"
  • showwallettoken

    show wallet token.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -c or [--cert] If specified, then only get related cert. Default is not specified.
    2. -d or [--deposited] If specified, then only get deposited tokens. Default is not specified.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    3. SYMBOL Asset symbol. If not specified, will show whole network token symbols.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli showwallettoken yang 123456
    		"address" : "UXFQvGKWh8GzEtV1RNw2Vo1abnynPy58u1",
    		"decimal_number" : 1,
    		"description" : "BLOCK token is issued by blackhole,just for name not to use",
    		"issuer" : "BLACKHOLE",
    		"locked_quantity" : 0,
    		"quantity" : 63022,
    		"secondaryissue_threshold" : 0,
    		"status" : "unspent",
    		"symbol" : "BLOCK"
    		"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    		"decimal_number" : 1,
    		"description" : "BLOCK token is issued by blackhole,just for name not to use",
    		"issuer" : "BLACKHOLE",
    		"locked_quantity" : 0,
    		"quantity" : 7500,
    		"secondaryissue_threshold" : 0,
    		"status" : "unspent",
    		"symbol" : "BLOCK"

  • showaddresstoken

    show address token.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -c or [--cert] If specified, then only get related cert. Default is not specified.
    2. -d or [--deposited] If specified, then only get deposited tokens. Default is not specified.
    3. -s or [--symbol] Asset symbol.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. ADDRESS address.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli showaddresstoken UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq
    		"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    		"decimal_number" : 1,
    		"description" : "BLOCK token is issued by blackhole,just for name not to use",
    		"issuer" : "BLACKHOLE",
    		"locked_quantity" : 0,
    		"quantity" : 7500,
    		"secondaryissue_threshold" : 0,
    		"status" : "unspent",
    		"symbol" : "BLOCK"
  • destroy

    destroy token to blackhole address 1111111111111111111114oLvT2.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -c or [--cert] If specified, then only get related cert. Default is not specified.
    2. -m or [--card] If specified, then only destroy related card. Default is not specified.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name required.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password(authorization) required.
    3. SYMBOL The token will be destroyed.
    4. AMOUNT Asset integer bits. see token <decimal_number>.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli destroy yang 123456 BLOCK 10
    	"hash" : "dbb975bee40b42aa742fb1c06f30dab8fdbb1c1188a60306bf65c21fb0fd79eb",
    	"inputs" : 
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "131ce891d567498451d5b7446584f8813c1c907f9e531a85845d7a2d1893330d",
    				"index" : 0
    			"script" : "[ 30450221008861cdb0cdd734e13796355f84e4bb85b329bd1aadaf4d1ef48473431a90fb0102203e05c8bb4e2ecaf09516c34ebe0efc9fd997e6aebe80a6aee4067af61129999801 ] [ 03bec77692da62f861065c04d09de5b217c14be033453a9235a1c67853cccf3ea9 ]",
    			"sequence" : 4294967295
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "2a8e2a4132f2519da3d6bb26a3833c2f6f081b5ddb18247c781d585b821b90a8",
    				"index" : 1
    			"script" : "[ 304402203d6a07eb628b2aabeb317580aecd1b2d67718664af47e12080fc21f88df30b4002200999755460aff18ab35028b13b4ecbfa87557b781d2e62bc606f983e5abd168801 ] [ 03bec77692da62f861065c04d09de5b217c14be033453a9235a1c67853cccf3ea9 ]",
    			"sequence" : 4294967295
    	"lock_time" : "0",
    	"outputs" : 
    			"address" : "1111111111111111111114oLvT2",
    			"asset" : 
    				"from_uid" : "",
    				"quantity" : 10,
    				"symbol" : "BLOCK",
    				"to_uid" : "BLACKHOLE",
    				"type" : "token-transfer"
    			"index" : 0,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "return",
    			"value" : 0
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"asset" : 
    				"type" : "ucn"
    			"index" : 1,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ e65032659d90b0c770f649a385949001f6a4ddfd ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 81999979998919990
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"asset" : 
    				"quantity" : 7490,
    				"symbol" : "BLOCK",
    				"type" : "token-transfer"
    			"index" : 2,
    			"locked_height_range" : 0,
    			"script" : "dup hash160 [ e65032659d90b0c770f649a385949001f6a4ddfd ] equalverify checksig",
    			"value" : 0
    	"version" : "4"
  • vote

    vote to a miner's addresss, then lock some ucn for about 48h.1 ucn can get 20 votes.

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -f or [--fee] Transaction fee. defaults to 10000 UCN bits.
    2. -r or [--receivers] vote to [uid/address:ucn_bits].
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name required.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password(authorization) required.
    3. FROM_ The address to deposit some ucn for 48h.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli vote  yang  123456 UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq -r UbkBgDeQHHJyGBuT7txepqCiJbpJ3JSYZD:10000 -r USa9SKiMHZ3TRcodvJi6oGVgS65iy47Hh4:40000
    	"hash" : "b5b02e50e8b444b4c7b23abd5868fa18124277d4c5c48db545d03dbe4930e5a6",
    	"inputs" : 
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "fbc32557334266bf5fcfcb9a02b06487923a6791477803d8c3b3a0b8ac39bc18",
    				"index" : 1
    			"script" : "[ 3045022100f30009a7f0784f471a6b65857df114f1c3fb09b26827eebe85b63546d01aff0b0220091615d70c6a4e98869fca68805c11eb67723c0f5bfcd42255751cb175573a0b01 ] [ 03bec77692da62f861065c04d09de5b217c14be033453a9235a1c67853cccf3ea9 ]",
    			"sequence" : 4294967295
    			"address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq",
    			"previous_output" : 
    				"hash" : "dbb975bee40b42aa742fb1c06f30dab8fdbb1c1188a60306bf65c21fb0fd79eb",
    				"index" : 1
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