api_ucn - UCHAIN-WORLD/uchain-fullnode GitHub Wiki
title: ucn api
show command usage.
- JS Parameters
{ method: 'POST', url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { "jsonrpc": "3.0", "method": "{COMMAND}", "params": [ "test", "123456"], "id": 7 }, json: true };
Response (Example for shutdown)
{ "id": 7, "jsonrpc": "3.0", "result": "\nUsage: uc-cli shutdown [-h] [ADMINNAME] [ADMINAUTH] \n\n Info: stop ucd. \n\n Options (named):\n\n-h [--help] Get a description and instructions for this command.\n\n Arguments (positional):\n\n ADMINNAME admin name. \n ADMINAUTH admin password/authorization. \n"
send ucn to a targert uid/address.sendto
- JS Parameters
{ method: 'POST', url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { "jsonrpc": "3.0", "method":"sendto", "params":["yang", "123456", "UVgjjVHYn9XF72dXW2mdYEFWHA1qNziyNb","10000000"], "id": 7 }, json: true };
- Response
{ "id" : 7, "jsonrpc" : "3.0", "result" : { "hash" : "10b8e5b3f2defbbc31e5b4a028e7aad15162ca9754f18bb3a63c0953a1cd48ac", "inputs" : [ { "address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx", "previous_output" : { "hash" : "648e38de0a935334c4acc8df4908a868e4fea6ea6ae36a717ddd77551591a600", "index" : 1 }, "script" : "[ 3044022046d5c393b1d00e6777b9cb2a15a3dac42d737a0fa0072da4928b0f516fc7758502203f37f0dfb59f7ccb460315015a294095315c88e46a0bf346427718010cdaa73801 ] [ 027c99068f735e53064682b9ef1f548a00191b5ffb2fd9b9c8f32cde97793a0ed4 ]", "sequence" : 4294967295 } ], "lock_time" : "0", "outputs" : [ { "address" : "UVgjjVHYn9XF72dXW2mdYEFWHA1qNziyNb", "asset" : { "type" : "ucn" }, "index" : 0, "locked_height_range" : 0, "script" : "dup hash160 [ 547c64a7bc778f853a030fcde79cdd7f3127d40e ] equalverify checksig", "value" : 10000000 }, { "address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx", "asset" : { "type" : "ucn" }, "index" : 1, "locked_height_range" : 0, "script" : "dup hash160 [ 078910a58cea508623e2be9b38beb6e7d576e880 ] equalverify checksig", "value" : 49423856082830000 } ], "version" : "4" } }
- JS Parameters
send ucn to multi target addresses, must specify mychange address.sendtomulti
- JS Parameters
{ method: 'POST', url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { "jsonrpc": "3.0", "method":"sendtomulti", "params":[ "yang", "123456", { "receivers":[ "UVgjjVHYn9XF72dXW2mdYEFWHA1qNziyNb:10000", "UP1zcxKcE4YahLNyz1PznwHmtVUqGaXvZS:10000" ], "change": "UXFQvGKWh8GzEtV1RNw2Vo1abnynPy58u1" }], "id": 7 } json: true };
- Response
{ "id" : 125, "jsonrpc" : "3.0", "result" : { "hash" : "e37e44b51d0cab51a18c4ffbacd240ec224727782b24d5caf16ce2c4e6fa9ad5", "inputs" : [ { "address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx", "previous_output" : { "hash" : "07c88c76fd6bc5553eff24ebb3862d8700a95abb486779daece50100869cfcf4", "index" : 2 }, "script" : "[ 304402201c9ef224d44edb9b51abfbec5c5e84f17ba54917cbf3f3a5d55a4f9d61ac7d0b022057fd07bc51423aa878ce729163b1c13149b6b4474cc9deff0ece86e8eb10034801 ] [ 027c99068f735e53064682b9ef1f548a00191b5ffb2fd9b9c8f32cde97793a0ed4 ]", "sequence" : 4294967295 } ], "lock_time" : "0", "outputs" : [ { "address" : "UVgjjVHYn9XF72dXW2mdYEFWHA1qNziyNb", "asset" : { "type" : "ucn" }, "index" : 0, "locked_height_range" : 0, "script" : "dup hash160 [ 547c64a7bc778f853a030fcde79cdd7f3127d40e ] equalverify checksig", "value" : 10000 }, { "address" : "UP1zcxKcE4YahLNyz1PznwHmtVUqGaXvZS", "asset" : { "type" : "ucn" }, "index" : 1, "locked_height_range" : 0, "script" : "dup hash160 [ 0b57d7e2bcdb8d98ecd1f6b264a686c97cccb8b5 ] equalverify checksig", "value" : 10000 }, { "address" : "UXFQvGKWh8GzEtV1RNw2Vo1abnynPy58u1", "asset" : { "type" : "ucn" }, "index" : 2, "locked_height_range" : 0, "script" : "dup hash160 [ 65a28a57f631d6d6da1a0036e72942a60b95743d ] equalverify checksig", "value" : 49423855977780000 } ], "version" : "4" } }
send ucn from a specified uid/address of this wallet to target uid/address, mychange goes to from_uid/address.sendfrom
- JS Parameters
{ method: 'POST', url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { "jsonrpc": "3.0", "method":"sendfrom", "params":[ "yang", "123456", "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx", "UP1zcxKcE4YahLNyz1PznwHmtVUqGaXvZS", "50000" ]} json: true };
- Response
{ "id" : 125, "jsonrpc" : "3.0", "result" : { "hash" : "d807c05ea168001d32f8d9c679a547900321de6f545b31b1f88a5f6e43a94665", "inputs" : [ { "address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx", "previous_output" : { "hash" : "5f85142ffcff4bec0372b8bf38795c3e13bda06afd28cf70759fd3b6bc77a00a", "index" : 1 }, "script" : "[ 304402206205e946ef0eef1dbdef1853098094870bf05193f2d0e668661f3ace2720213202207d6d4d57f2b9ac8b184ba5ff6ef7078be674f930ac264f498598ff7e12d301da01 ] [ 027c99068f735e53064682b9ef1f548a00191b5ffb2fd9b9c8f32cde97793a0ed4 ] [ 004605 ]", "sequence" : 4294967295 } ], "lock_time" : "0", "outputs" : [ { "address" : "UP1zcxKcE4YahLNyz1PznwHmtVUqGaXvZS", "asset" : { "type" : "ucn" }, "index" : 0, "locked_height_range" : 0, "script" : "dup hash160 [ 0b57d7e2bcdb8d98ecd1f6b264a686c97cccb8b5 ] equalverify checksig", "value" : 50000 }, { "address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx", "asset" : { "type" : "ucn" }, "index" : 1, "locked_height_range" : 0, "script" : "dup hash160 [ 078910a58cea508623e2be9b38beb6e7d576e880 ] equalverify checksig", "value" : 44940000 } ], "version" : "4" } }
Deposit some ucn, then get reward for frozen some ucn.deposit
- JS Parameters
{ method: 'POST', url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { "jsonrpc": "3.0", "method":"deposit", "params":[ "yang", "123456", "100000", { "address":"USa9SKiMHZ3TRcodvJi6oGVgS65iy47Hh4", "deposit":"10" } ] }, json: true };
- Response
{ "id" : 125, "jsonrpc" : "3.0", "result" : { "hash" : "8d64b5d6df630ecc48582fdc5c406384460b058d4ccda2e98a65b110c33a5202", "inputs" : [ { "address" : "UXFQvGKWh8GzEtV1RNw2Vo1abnynPy58u1", "previous_output" : { "hash" : "2f5e0e56f7f9242757a4049443e9a86e6d979b99a25ca9f3ba7b4bc09d7a0195", "index" : 3 }, "script" : "[ 3045022100b95defb08fd7ae7fcd059abf3587caa1ca8396fa71c2eadcc7cadff606f7ecd70220229da48ffc3702cfe1341a7118387dcdac04e1eabc386b9d16e2a7b9f59d0c1101 ] [ 026c05f0fe5306fc9c5282600f09305199da99664a6a90f430b59fae8b09cc7aeb ]", "sequence" : 4294967295 } ], "lock_time" : "0", "outputs" : [ { "address" : "USa9SKiMHZ3TRcodvJi6oGVgS65iy47Hh4", "asset" : { "type" : "ucn" }, "index" : 0, "locked_height_range" : 1728000, "script" : "[ 005e1a ] numequalverify dup hash160 [ 3254e428b11bf9c23a227c3148148fa868ff3e9d ] equalverify checksig", "value" : 100000 }, { "address" : "UXFQvGKWh8GzEtV1RNw2Vo1abnynPy58u1", "asset" : { "type" : "ucn" }, "index" : 1, "locked_height_range" : 0, "script" : "dup hash160 [ 65a28a57f631d6d6da1a0036e72942a60b95743d ] equalverify checksig", "value" : 49423605977660000 } ], "version" : "4" } }
List all balance details of each address of this wallet. defaults show non-zero unspent address.showbalances
- JS Parameters
{ method: 'POST', url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { "jsonrpc": "3.0", "method":"showbalances", "params":[ "yang", "123456" ], "id": 7 }, json: true };
- Response
{ "id" : 7, "jsonrpc" : "3.0", "result" : [ { "address" : "UXFQvGKWh8GzEtV1RNw2Vo1abnynPy58u1", "available" : 49423605977660000, "confirmed" : 49423605977660000, "frozen" : 0, "received" : 148271067933210000, "unspent" : 49423605977660000 }, { "address" : "UiyoSgUnCbfSFVKcufwMZALVMURmiEfswq", "available" : 0, "confirmed" : 390000000000, "frozen" : 390000000000, "received" : 390000000000, "unspent" : 390000000000 }, { "address" : "UTg5BtZmFAvV8FaDQUw6BxRVphvyw6QhqF", "available" : 0, "confirmed" : 0, "frozen" : 0, "received" : 0, "unspent" : 0 }, { "address" : "UkRYvsnfJkwSTAUCcZnqCK8sE1ZYJP6so7", "available" : 0, "confirmed" : 0, "frozen" : 0, "received" : 0, "unspent" : 0 }, { "address" : "UNfrtAxhJRi83PjTPjV3yNPKnjLYR22Bhx", "available" : 44940000, "confirmed" : 40176000379940000, "frozen" : 40176000335000000, "received" : 7652094948131270000, "unspent" : 40176000379940000 } ] }
Show total balance details of this wallet.showbalance
- JS Parameters
{ method: 'POST', url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { "jsonrpc": "3.0", "method":"showbalance", "params":[ "yang", "123456" ]}, json: true };
- Response
{ "id" : 7, "jsonrpc" : "3.0", "result" : { "total_available" : 49423606022600000, "total_confirmed" : 89599996357600000, "total_frozen" : 40176390335000000, "total_received" : 7800366406064480000, "total_unspent" : 89599996357600000 } }
Get any valid target address UCN balance.showaddressucn
- JS Parameters
{ method: 'POST', url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { "jsonrpc": "3.0", "method":"showaddressucn", "params":[ "USa9SKiMHZ3TRcodvJi6oGVgS65iy47Hh4" ]} , json: true };
- Response
{ "id" : 7, "jsonrpc" : "3.0", "result" : { "address" : "USa9SKiMHZ3TRcodvJi6oGVgS65iy47Hh4", "confirmed" : 110300, "frozen" : 100300, "received" : 110300, "unspent" : 110300 } }
- JS Parameters