Templates - UCF/Admissions-Child-Theme GitHub Wiki

In addition to the templates made available by the UCF WordPress Theme, this theme provides the templates listed below, which you can use to style posts, pages, or other custom post types.


Two Column Template

Post types: Post, Page

Two Column Template examples on desktop and mobile screens

This template generates a two column layout, placing the primary post content in a wider, left-hand column, and a configurable set of sidebar content in a more narrow, right-hand column.

Lead text can optionally be placed above the two column layout, using the "Lead Text" meta field.

Sidebar contents can be assigned and re-arranged as desired using the "Sidebar Contents" meta field. Sidebar contents can include one or more existing Sections, arbitrary custom content, or up to one existing Spotlight post. Spotlight posts must use the 'square' or 'vertical' layout to be included here (the 'horizontal' layout is not compatible).

On smaller screen sizes (-md breakpoint/991px and lower), sidebar contents will collapse underneath the primary post content. A horizontal divider (hr) will separate the post content and sidebar contents.

The UCF Section and UCF Spotlight plugins are required to use this template. See the Installation docs for more information.