UC1 Create an Event - UC-MSIS-WEBDEV/volteer GitHub Wiki


AS an organizer
I WANT To be able create events
SO THAT I can share the events with my contacts

URL Format



Single Page form that collects the following information

  1. Organizer Name (required, single field for first and last name)
  2. Organizer Email (required)
  3. Event Date & time (required, must be in future, can only 90 days out)
  4. Event Summary (required, < 140 chars to describe the event)
  5. Event Details (optional, <750 chars to provide additional information, details, incentives, etc)
  6. Event Location (optional, Google Maps Javascript API lookup)
  7. Number of participants requested (required)

System Processing

Upon a valid event submission the system shall:

  1. Create a random event identifier for the event
  2. Create an administration token
  3. Create a confirmation token
  4. Store the event in the data store for future retrieval
  5. Send the organizer an event created email

Backend API

[POST] https://[api_host]/api/createEvent

Email Communication

The email sent to the organizer will have at a minimum the following content:

to: Organizer Name <organizer email>
from: Volteer <[email protected]>
subject: Volteer Event Created - Confirmation Required

Your event has been created. Please do not delete this email as it contains important links you will need to confirm and to administer your event.

Next Steps:

1. Confirm your Event
Please click the following URL to confirm your event

2. Share your Event
Use this link to share your event with your contacts

3. Administer your Event
*Do Not Share This Link*. The link below is just for you and allows you to administer your event.
Administration Link: `https://[host]/editEvent?event=[event_code]&adminCode=[admin_code]` 

4. Delete your Event
*Do Not Share This Link*. The link below is just for you and allows you to delete your event.
Delete Event Link: https://[host]/cancelEvent?event=[event_code]&adminCode=[admin_code]


Desktop Mockup

Mobile Mockup