CoreGraphics - UBogun/Xojo-iosLib GitHub Wiki

This is a module holding constants and external methods for CoreGraphics API calls. It is used internally by iOSLib classes. The classes used by CoreGraphics follow the CoreFoundation scheme, that's why they have AppleCFObject as their super class.



CGAffineTransform is a transformation matrix that is used for calculating optical transformations to the display of a UIView's/iOSLibView's contents. When it is assigned to the Transform property of a UIView/iOSLibView, the matrix is taken for calculations like scale, rotation or translation that is applied to the display before the content is drawn on screen. The CGAffineTransform32Bit structure is an internal helper structure because this structure is different on 32 and 64 bit systems. It is only used internally by some of the CGPath classes and others. You will only need to handle the 64bit structure always.
For a definition of the external methods, refer to Apple developer docs. You will find them under their names beginning with "CGAffineTransform…"