AppleWebView - UBogun/Xojo-iosLib GitHub Wiki

Inherits from AppleView
Memory leak check: untested.
Status: complete

This is an implementation of UIWebView, the iOS class Xojo uses for a HTMLViewer. This class brings missing features from Desktop to iOS and even adds some more. For easy access, use the HTMLViewerExtension methods. Necessary notifications can be registered via a AppleNotificationCenter.

Xojo integration

In most cases, using the iOSHTMLViewerExtension will be sufficient for work with a Xojo HTMLViewer. A full featured custom control is available as iOSLibHTMLViewer.


Constructor (aFrame as foundationframework.NSRect): Creates a new AppleWebView with the specified dimensions.


AllowsInlineMediaPlayback As Boolean: If true and the HTML source owns a webkit-playinline attribute, contained videos are played inline.

AllowsLinkPreview As Boolean: Whether pressing on a link displays a preview of the destination for the link. Available since iOS 9.0 on 3D Touch devices.

AllowsPictureInPicturePlayback As Boolean: Whether Picture in Picture playback is allowed from this view. Available since iOS 9.0.

CanGoBack As Boolean (read-only): True if you can use the GoBack method.

CanGoForward As Boolean (read-only): True if you can use the GoForward method.

DataDetectors As AppleDataDetectorType: Allows you to toggle the internal HTML data detectors.

GapBetweenPages As Double: The gap in points between pages.

IsLoading As Boolean (read-only): True if the view is currently loading.

KeyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction As Boolean: if True, the user must tap into elements to conjure the keyboard. If False, setting the focus on them is enough.

MediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay As Boolean: Whether AirPlay is allowed from this view.

MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction As Boolean: If False, contained videos strt automatically. Default is True.

PageCount As Uinteger (read-only): The number of pages contained in the view.

PageLength As Double: The size of each page in points in flow direction of the view. See PaginationMode.

PaginationBreakingMode As UIWebViewPaginationMode: Determines how certain CSS properties regarding column and page breaking are honored.


Value Description
Page Content respects CSS properties related to page-breaking.
Column Content respects CSS properties related to column-breaking.

PaginationMode As UIWebPaginationMode: Determines how and if the web contents are broken into pages.


Value Description
Unpaginated Content appears as one long scrolling view with no distinct pages.
LeftToRight Content is broken up into pages that flow from top to bottom.
TopToBottom Content is broken up into pages that flow from top to bottom.
BottomToTop Content is broken up into pages that flow from bootn to top.
RightToLeft Content is broken up into pages that flow from right to left.

ScalesPageToFit As Boolean: If True, the website is scaled to fit the view and the user can zoom in and out.

ScrollView As AppleScrollView (read-only): Lets you access the underlying scrollview.

SuppressesIncrementalRendering As Boolean: If True, website content is not rendered while it is being loaded.


GoBack(): Siwthces to the URL visited before.

GoForward(): Switches to the site visited before if the user went back.

Reload(): Reloads the content.

RunJavaScript (AScript As Text) As Text: Runs a JavaScript and returns its result. JavaScript must be less than 10 MB.

StopLoading(): Stops the current load process.


LoadFailed (Error As AppleError): Fires if loading content fails.

LoadFinished(): The control finished loading content.

LoadStarted(): The control started loading content.

SuppressLoad(Request As AppleURLRequest, NavigationType As UIWebViewNavigationType) As Boolean: Fires when a request is started. Return true if you want to suppress answering the request.


Value Description
LinkClicked User tapped a web link.
FormSubmitted User submitted a form.
BackForward User used navigation history button.
Reload User tapped the reload button.
FormResubmitted User resubmitted a form.
Other Some other type.