AppleSCNShape - UBogun/Xojo-iosLib GitHub Wiki

Inherits from AppleSCNGeometry
Memory leak check: not yet done.
Status: completed

An SCNShape object is geometry that creates its contents from a two-dimensional path, optionally extruded to create a three-dimensional object.

Please see the superclass for more properties and methods


Constructor (Path As AppleBezierpath, extrusionDepth As Double): Creates a shape geometry with the specified path and extrusion depth.


ChamferMode As SCNChamferMode: A constant specifying which ends of the extruded shape’s profile are chamfered. Default Both.

SCNChamferMode Definition
Both Apply a chamfer to both front and back edges of the extruded shape.
Front Apply a chamfer to only the front edge of the extruded shape.
Back Apply a chamfer to only the back edge of the extruded shape.

ChamferProfile As AppleBezierPath: A path that determines the cross-sectional contour of each chamfered edge.

ChamferRadius As Double: The width or depth of each chamfered edge. Animatable.

ExtrusionDepth As Double: The thickness of the extruded shape along the z-axis. Animatable.

Path As AppleBezierPath: The two-dimensional path forming the basis of the shape.