AppleSCNScene - UBogun/Xojo-iosLib GitHub Wiki

Inherits from AppleObject
Memory leak check: not yet done.
Status: incomplete, sceneWithMDLAsset constructor missing.

An SCNScene object represents a three-dimensional scene. A scene contains a hierarchy of nodes with attached geometries, lights, and cameras—referred to as a scene graph. To render a scene for display, see the AppleSCNView class. The SCNScene class also provides an interface for reading and writing scene files.


Constructor(): Creates an empty scene.

Constructor (SceneName As Text): Loads a scene from a file with the specified name in the app’s main bundle.

Constructor (SceneName As Text, directoryName as Text, options as AppleDictionary = nil): Loads a scene from a file with the specified name in a specific subdirectory of the app’s main bundle.

Constructor (URL As AppleURL, options as AppleDictionary = nil, error as appleerror = nil): Loads a scene from the specified URL. Sets error if you supply one.


Background As AppleSCNMaterialProperty: A background to be rendered before the rest of the scene. (read-only)

EndTime As Double: The end time of the scene.

FogColor As AppleColor: The color of the fog effect to be rendered with the scene. Animatable.

You can use the external get and setFogColor methods for a CGColorRef too.

FogDensityExponent As Double: The transition curve for the fog’s intensity between its start and end distances. Animatable.
A value of 0.0 (the default) specifies no attenuation—the fog’s intensity is the same at all distances . A value of 1.0 specifies a linear transition, and a value of 2.0 specifies a quadratic transition curve. Higher values have little visible effect.

FogEndDistance As Double: The distance from a point of view at which the scene’s contents are completely obscured by fog. Animatable. The Default of 0.0 disables the fog effect.

FogStartDistance As Double: The distance from a point of view at which the scene’s contents begin to be obscured by fog. Animatable. Default 0.0.

FrameRate As Double: The frame rate of the scene. This value may be present in scenes loaded from scene files produced using external tools, but has no effect on SceneKit’s rendering of the scene.

ParticleSystems As AppleArray Of AppleSCNParticleSystem: The particle systems attached to the scene. (read-only)

Paused As Boolean: Whether to run actions, animations, particle systems, and physics simulations in the scene graph.

PhysicsWorld As AppleSCNPhysicsWorld: The physics simulation associated with the scene. (read-only)

RootNode As AppleSCNNode: The root node of the scene graph. (read-only)

StartTime As Double: The start time of the scene.

UpAxis As SCNVector3: The orientation of the scene. This value may be present in scenes loaded from scene files produced using external tools, but has no effect on SceneKit’s processing of the scene. Use this vector when combining elements from different scenes so that they appear in their expected orientation.


AddParticleSystem (ParticleSystem As AppleSCNParticleSystem, Transform As SCNMatrix4): Attaches a particle system to the scene, using the specified transform.

RemoveAllParticleSystems(): Removes any particle systems directly attached to the scene.

RemoveParticleSystem (ParticleSystem As AppleSCNParticleSystem): Removes a particle system attached to the scene.