AppleSCNPhysicsShape - UBogun/Xojo-iosLib GitHub Wiki

Inherits from AppleObject
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An SCNPhysicsShape object simulates the solid volume associated with an SCNPhysicsBody object for use in collision detection. When SceneKit simulates physics in your scene, it uses physics shapes instead of the rendered geometry of visible objects.


Constructor (Geometry as AppleSCNGeometry, opt. options as AppleSCNPhysicsShapeOptionDictionary = nil): Creates a physics shape based on a geometry object. If you pass no options, the standard options will be used.

Constructor (Node as AppleSCNNode, opt. options as AppleSCNPhysicsShapeOptionDictionary = nil): Creates a physics shape from a node or hierarchy of nodes. If you pass no options, the standard options will be used.

Constructor (Shapes as AppleArray, transforms as AppleArray): Creates a new physics shape by combining others.


Options As AppleSCNPhysicsShapeOptionDictionary: The options dictionary that was used to create the shape. (read-only). Available since iOS 9.0.

SourceObject As AppleObject: The object that was used to create the shape. (read-only). May be a SCNGeometry, a SCNNode or an AppleArray of SCNPhysicsShape. Available since iOS 9.0.

Transforms As AppleArray: The array of transforms that was used to create a compound shape. (read-only). Available since iOS 9.0.