AppleSCNPhysicsContact - UBogun/Xojo-iosLib GitHub Wiki

Inherits from AppleObject
Memory leak check: not yet done.
Status: completed.

An SCNPhysicsContact object describes a contact between two physics bodies in your scene’s physics simulation. SceneKit automatically creates these objects whenever contacts occur.

A AppleSCNSceneView object (or its custom control iOSLibSCNSceneView) will automatically receive the contact events in its delegate methods once you assign a scene to its scene property. Next, for each physics body in your scene, set the categoryBitMask and collisionBitMask properties to define which interactions should generate contact messages.


No constructor. A Contact will be created by Scenekit.

##Properties CollisionImpulse As Double: The force over time of the collision, in newton-seconds. (read-only)

ContactNormal As SCNVector3: The normal vector at the contact point between the two physics bodies, in scene coordinates. (read-only)

ContactPoint As SCNVector3: The contact point between the two physics bodies, in scene coordinates. (read-only)

NodeA As AppleSCNNode: The node containing the first body in the contact. (read-only)

NodeB As AppleSCNNode: The node containing the second body in the contact. (read-only)

PenetrationDistance As Double: The force over time of the collision, in newton-seconds. (read-only)