AppleSCNHitTestingDictionary - UBogun/Xojo-iosLib GitHub Wiki
is a subclass of AppleMutableDictionary, prepared with the keys and values as expected by the HitTest method. It is necessary for the HitTest methods of AppleSCNView and AppleSCNNode.
In the methods above, if you define no AppleSCNHitTestingDictionary, a standard dictionary for the view or node will be created.
Constructor (RootNode As AppleSCNNode): Creates a new Dictionary with the default values for the node. Sets the TestNode property to the specified RootNode.
IgnoreChildNodes As Boolean: If True, searches only the node specified by the TestRoot property, and not its children. Default False.
IgnoreHiddenNodes As Boolean: If True, hit-testing will not return nodes whose hidden property value is True. Specify False to search nodes regardless of their visibility. Default True.
OnlyFirstObject As Boolean: If True, only the first found object will be returned. Does not have to be the closest. Default False.
OnlySearchCurrentDepthRange As Boolean: If True, hit-testing searches only objects between the zNear and zFar distances of the pointOfView camera. Specify False to include objects outside this depth range in the search. Default True.
OnlyTestFacingPolygons As Boolean: If True, back-facing polygons will not be returned as hit-test results. Default True.
RootNode As AppleSCNNode: The root of the node hierarchy to be searched. The value for this key is an SCNNode object. Hit-testing searches only the child node hierarchy under this node. When hit-testing takes place in the screen space of an SCNSceneRenderer object with the hitTest:options: method, the default value is the presented scene’s root node. When hit-testing is in a node using its hitTestWithSegmentFromPoint:toPoint:options:, the default value is the node. Set automatically by the constructor.
SortFromNearestToFarthest As Boolean: If True, will sort the found objects from nearest to farthest. Default True.
TestBoundingBoxOnly As Boolean: If True, will test with increased speed but less accuracy only the bounding box. If False, the node geometry will be tested. Default False.