AppleSCNAudioSource - UBogun/Xojo-iosLib GitHub Wiki
Inherits from AppleObject
Memory leak check: not yet done.
Status: complete.
An SCNAudioSource object manages a simple, reusable audio source—music or sound effects loaded from a file—for use in positional audio playback. To create positional audio effects, create an SCNAudioPlayer object from the audio source to control playback, and add that player object to an SCNNode object in your scene. SceneKit then automatically spatializes 3D audio effects based on the position of that node relative to the scene’s audioListener node.
This class is available in iOS 9.0 or later. Check the ClassAvailable shared method to enquire its availability before using!
Constructor (FileName as Text): Initializes an audio source from an audio file in the application’s main bundle.
Constructor (URL As AppleURL): Initializes an audio source from the specified audio file.
##Properties Loops As Boolean: Whether the audio source should play repeatedly. Default False.
Positional As Boolean: Whether audio from this source uses 3D positional mixing. Default True.
Rate As Single: The default playback volume for the audio source.
This property determines the default rate for when a source begins playing. To vary the rate during playback through an SCNAudioPlayer object, use the player’s audioNode property to access real-time audio controls.
ReverbBlend As Single: The default blend of unmodified and reverb-processed (also called dry and wet) audio for playback of the audio source.
This property determines the default reverb blend for when a source begins playing. To vary the reverb blend during playback through an SCNAudioPlayer object, use the player’s audioNode property to access real-time audio controls.
ShouldStream As Boolean: Whether the audio source should stream content from its source URL (and not preload the buffer) when playing.
Volume As Single: The default playback volume for the audio source.
This property determines the default volume for when a source begins playing. To vary the volume during playback through an SCNAudioPlayer object, use the player’s audioNode property to access real-time audio controls.