AppleSCNAnimatableObject - UBogun/Xojo-iosLib GitHub Wiki

Inherits from AppleSCNObject
Memory leak check: n/a.
Status: complete

AplleSCNAnimatbaleObject is just a subclass of AppleSCNObject that contains all the properties and methods of the SCNAnimatable Protocol, so I don’t have to include them manually into each class that uses it.

AnimationKeys As AppleArray Of CFStringRef: An array containing the keys of all animations currently attached to the object. (read-only)


AddAnimation (Animation As AppleCAAnimation, Key As Text): Adds an animation object for the specified key.

Animation (Key as Text) As AppleCAAnimation: Returns the animation with the specified key.

AnimationPaused (Key As Text) As Boolean: Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the animation attached to the object with the specified key is paused.

PauseAnimation (Key As Text): Pauses the animation attached to the object with the specified key.

RemoveAllAnimations(): Removes all the animations currently attached to the object.

RemoveAnimation (Key As Text, opt. FadeOutDuration As Double): Removes the animation attached to the object with the specified key. If you specify a FadeOutDuration, smoothly transitioning out of the animation’s effect.

ResumeAnimation (Key As Text): Resumes a previously paused animation attached to the object with the specified key.