Survey overview - UB-BiomedicalInformatics/VATumorBoard GitHub Wiki

Survey questions in categories

  1. Tumor board duties and responsibilities at your institution:

    1. Overall how important is the tumor board to your work and to patient care?
    2. How many people participate in a usual tumor board meeting?
    3. Describe the various roles and responsibilities of tumor board members at your institution.
    4. At a typical tumor board meeting how many patients are presented?
    5. Describe your role and responsibilities with regard to the tumor board.
    6. How many tumor board sessions did you participate in during the last year?
    7. Describe your experience with virtual medicine.
  2. Do you expect that software could help with any tumor board tasks?

    1. If yes, describe the components of the tumor board that you believe would benefit.
    2. If no, please explain.
  3. Structure of the tumor board application:

    1. What data should be captured in the tumor board record (about the board's decisions)?
    2. If the application allowd secure messaging among tumor board members, describe the potential role and importance of this feature.
    3. What is the value and importance of the most recent subspecialist clinic note and quick access to it?
    4. What is the preferred way to review clinical imaging? (Options: as a report, selected images only, detailed images, other)
    5. What is the best way to review pathology? (as a report, selected images, whole slides for review)
    6. What is the best way to review genomic data? (Mutations with approved drug only, mutations with off-label drug, mutations with open trial, or more detailed)
    7. What is the importance of grading/staging on a patient dashboard?
    8. What additional information should be added to the patient dashboard?
  4. How likely are you to use a virtual tumor board application as you understand it?

  5. Please add any further comments you may have.

Draft "consistent survey" question list

  1. How many patients do you usually present?
  2. Importance of tumor board overall?
  3. How many people sit on your tumor board?
  4. Experience w/ virtual medicine & in what way?
  5. What parts of your work could virtual tumor board software automate?
  6. What roles are at your tumor board?
  7. Importance of secure messaging?
  8. What should be captured in the record? (e.g. all comments?)
  9. Number of tumor board sessions you participated in, in last year.
  10. Importance of last clinic note?
  11. How best to incorporate of imaging?
  12. How best to incorporate path report, slides themselves, genomics?
  13. How granular should molecular data be? (only FDA, off-label, trial, more) with examples of ea.
  14. Importance of grade/stage on dashboard?
  15. What else on dashboard?
  16. How likely to use virtual tumor board?

Full table

N Buer (pathology) Manoj Shyamashree (rad/nuc med) Andy (onc/radonc) notes
1 .. .. .. N patients presented ? ..
2 .. Is TB req for approp lung care? .. .. ..
3 .. What is ideal # of people? .. .. ..
4 .. .. Any experience w/ virtual med? experience w/virtual collab & in what way?
5 What can VTB do / improve .. Will VTB facil partic of specialists? .. ..
. Is curr. workflow a burden? prep time for YOU in EMR? prep time reduced by good dash? What parts do you want automated? ..
. What is most labor intensive? Prep on materials? .. .. ..
. .. Prep time practicing? .. .. ..
. .. Time face to face portion? .. .. ..
. .. Time f-2-f with patient? .. .. ..
6 Is pathol. partic. necessary? What disciplines are required? What people should be at TB? .. ..
. Level of training .. .. .. ..
7 .. comf. w/ secure msg in ALL cases? Would secure msg help? import of secure messaging? ..
8 Should comments be captured? should comments be captured? What becomes part of record? .. ..
9 .. last particip in TB? How freq do you attend? N sessions in last year? attend vs. participate
. .. .. what would facil attendance? .. ..
10 .. .. import of recent hx/exam import of recent clinic notes? maybe last clinic note
11 .. .. import of prior imaging import of rad reports? Images? "how to incorporate"
12 what format are slides shown? If you have dx, is slide req? import of slides & genomics import path rpt, Slide, molec ditto
. What's preferred slide format? .. .. .. ..
. Should molec data be presented? molec/genet required? .. .. ..
13 How granular molec data? How granular molec data? .. only FDA, off-label, trial, more E.g. of what data looks like
. flow cytom shown & how granu? .. .. .. ..
14 .. .. import of gr/stage on dash? import of gr/stage on dash? ..
15 .. .. import of other CA info on dash What else on dash (checkboxes)? ..
. .. Upload example dashboard? .. .. ..
16 How likely to use digital TB? .. .. How likely to use digital TB? & for what purpose?
17 .. Comments... Additional comments... .. ..