CCR - UB-BiomedicalInformatics/BMI_p2p_sessions GitHub Wiki

Introduction to the University at Buffalo Center for Computational Research (CCR).

Table of Contents

Logging into CCR


secure socket shell - used to securely access a remote computer

$ ssh [email protected]



  • hostname:
  • username: UB username
  • port: 22

Node Overview

Important Tags to take note of:

  • Cluster: Group of partitions on a head node
    • Example: mae, industry, ub-hpc
  • Partition: Group of nodes within a cluster
    • Example: compbio, scavenger, gpu, general-compute
  • Nodes: The official names of the computing nodes (only used when logging directly onto a node, can only be done when the user has a job running on that node)
  • Processors: Number of computers on each node
  • Memory: The amount of RAM on a node in MB
    • Example: 23 GB = 23000 MB
  • Constraints: IMPORTANT!!! These must be used to force your jobs onto the node you want!


What the constraint tags mean:

  • IB : Infiniband, Nodes with infiniband allow for multi-node jobs. Nodes without them will not run properly for multi-node jobs
  • The other constraint gives the head node directions about which nodes are allowed to run the given job
  • Example: CPU-E5-2430 means the job can only run on the 12 processor 48 GB nodes.
These constraints along with all the other tags in the slurmscripts are how we maintain an orderly cluster. Please do not waste computational resources by running a simple DOS calculation on the high memory nodes.


According to one CCR update (June 25-29, 2018), a valid QOS is required in slurmscripts, eq:

#SBATCH --partition=general-compute 
#SBATCH --qos=general-compute
Usually QOS is the same as the partition name specified. The command "slimits" will show the QOS settings you have access to.

If you have a question please ask before you submit.

What is a SLURM Script

Example of environmental variables to set for any SLURM submit script:

#SBATCH --nodes= (number of nodes required: 1)
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node= (number of processors on node: 12)
#SBATCH --cluster= (Name of cluster: ub-hpc)
#SBATCH --partition= (Name of partition: general-compute)
#SBATCH --qos= (general-compute, compbio, etc.)
#SBATCH --job-name= (job name: test)
#SBATCH --output= (output file name: test.out)
#SBATCH --error= (error file name: test.err)
#SBATCH --mail-user= (email address of user: [email protected])
#SBATCH --mail-type= (when to email: end, all)
#SBATCH --mem= (Memory allocation in MB: 23000)
#SBATCH --constraint= (constraint tags: IB, CPN-L5520)

SLURM Script Example

module list

echo "The number of nodes is $SLURM_NNODES"
echo "The number of processors per node $SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE" 
echo "The number of processors is $NPROCS"
echo "END"

What Parameters to Use?

To display this from the terminal use the command:

$ sinfo -el -o "%16P %48N %8c %8D %8m %16f" -M 'cluster' -p 'partition'

For example:

someone@rush:~$ > sinfo -el -o "%16P %48N %8c %8D %8m %16f" -M ub-hpc -p general-compute
Fri Nov 5 23:55:00 1605
CLUSTER: ub-hpc
PARTITION        NODELIST                                         CPUS     NODES    MEMORY   AVAIL_FEATURES
general-compute* cpn-d09-34-02                                    8        1        19000    IB,CPU-L5630,INTEL
general-compute* cpn-f16-[03-19,23-39]                            16       34       128000   IB,CPU-E5-2660,INTEL
general-compute* cpn-d14-[02-04,06-20,22,26-39],cpn-d15-[01-02,04 8        107      23000    IB,CPU-L5520,INTEL
general-compute* cpn-k07-01-[01-02],cpn-k07-02-[01-02],cpn-k07-03 12       356      48000    IB,CPU-E5645,INTEL
general-compute* cpn-k13-27-01,cpn-k14-07-01,cpn-k14-16-02,cpn-k1 12       5        48000    CPU-E5645,INTEL
general-compute* cpn-d07-04-[01-02],cpn-d07-05-[01-02],cpn-d07-06 8        123      23000    IB,CPU-L5630,INTEL
general-compute* cpn-d09-14-02                                    8        1        23000    CPU-L5630,INTEL
general-compute* cpn-d15-33,cpn-d16-[15-16]                       8        3        23000    CPU-L5520,INTEL

Submitting a SLURM Script

$ sbatch (enter slurm script name here)

You should get a confirmation with a job number if everything is set up properly

For example:

someone@rush:~$ > sbatch slurmscript
Submitted batch job 9999 on cluster general-compute

Canceling a SLURM Script

$ scancel –M (cluster name) (job number)

For example:

someone@rush:~$ > scancel –M ub-hpc 9999

If you would like to cancel all of your jobs

$ scancel –M (cluster name) –u (user name)

For example:

someone@rush:~$ > scancel –M ub-hpc –u someone

Checking a SLURM Script

$ squeue –M (cluster name) –p (partition name)

Shows queued and running jobs on given cluster and partition

For example:

someone@rush:~$ > squeue –M ub-hpc –p general-compute
CLUSTER: chemistry
     JOBID   PARTITION              NAME            USER          ST      TIME     NODES     NODELIST(REASON)
     13      general-compute        ph14-C2P        jane_doe      PD      0:00         1     (Resources)
     12      general-compute        XeCl            someone       PD      0:00         1     (Priority)
     11      general-compute        XeCl2           someone       PD      0:00         1     (Priority)
     8       general-compute        Rb-III_1        mr_nonsense   R   23:00:57         1     cpn-p26-26
     7       general-compute        Au-CA-PZ        miss_leading  R   23:00:57         1     cpn-p26-27
     6       general-compute        ph1-U           jane_doe      R   23:00:57         1     cpn-p26-29
     5       general-compute        PH2-from        jane_doe      R    7:44:18         1     cpn-p26-33

Copying Files Remotely


secure copy - opens an ssh connection to transfer files between local and remote compputers

scp [email protected]:pathname/filename filename


secure file transfer protocol

$ sftp
     Connected to
     sftp> put filename (Use to upload a file.)
     sftp> get filename (Use to download a file.)

FTP client

For Windows users (and Linux and Mac OS X if the command line isn't for you), use FileZilla.

  • hostname:
  • username: UB username
  • port: 22
To get to project space in terminal:
  cd projects/academic

Find your PI's directory:


Initialize your usage:

    - then enter password

Find out how much space available for your group:

  iquota -g

Make your own directory in your PI's directory:

  cd your-PI-directory
    mkdir your-directory-name

To find what modules are in your environment:

    module list

To find available modules for python:

    module avail python

To load module:

    module load python

To run on the loaded python:

    python file-

To edit in vim:

    vim -file name-

To save in vim: :w

To exit in vim: :q

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️