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Docs Version: 20180115-01 Pass parameters using POST form data.

Base URL: https://register.tr4.win/

Create Domain

URL: htts://register.tr4.win/api/?action=create&subdomain=Domain&content=Content&pass=Password&type=Type

Domain : It means XXX.tr4.win

Content: It's vary by domain type. Check it on Here. Quick Note: On "A" Records, It's IP Address. On "CNAME" Records, It's domain. On "NS" Records, It's nameserver.

Type: Type of this record.

Password: It will be used when You delete domain.

Delete Domain

URL: htts://register.tr4.win/api/?action=delete&subdomain=Domain&pass=Password&type=Type

Domain : It means XXX.tr4.win

Password: Password when You create domain.

Type: Type of record that will deleted.