How to install the library - TypingDNA/TypingDNARecorder-Android GitHub Wiki

How to install the library

To install the TypingDNARecorderMobile for Android, follow these few steps:

  • Using Android Studio

    1. Download the aar library from our GitHub repository
    2. In Android Studio, right-click on your project and select Open Module Settings
    3. Go to Dependencies and in the Modules column click on the + sign
    4. Select Import .JAR/.AAR Package and then select typingdnarecordermobile.aar in the folder you downloaded it, and click Finish
    5. Go to the Declared Dependencies column for your project and click on the + sign, then Module dependency and click Apply
  • Manually:

    1. Create a new folder in your application in the same location as the application’s build.gradle file called aarlib (for example).
    2. Copy the typingdnarecordermobile.aar file into this new folder.
    3. In the build.gradle file of the app add the following lines in the android section:
    repositories {
        flatDir {
            dirs 'aarlib'
    1. Also in build.gradle add in the dependencies section: implementation(name: 'typingdnarecordermobile', ext: 'aar')
    2. Rebuild your application.