TypeCobolFunctions - TypeCobolTeam/TypeCobol GitHub Wiki
As Cobol 85 only have intrinsic functions you must rely on custom strategy to encapsulate portion of reusable code into yours programs.
TypeCobol provides a fast and reliable way to implement and call simple (stackless) cutom-designed functions and procedures.
Advantages of function and procedure over Cobol 85 sub programs:
- Syntax is shorter than Cobol 85 sub programs
- You can name function and procedures with more than 8 letters.
- Propose visibiliy mechanism
- Control input/output arguments
- Have an implicit return code
- Check if caller test the return code
Procedures and functions are defined by:
Term | Description | Function | Procedure |
name | A function must have a name to be callable. Two functions or procedures of the same namespace can have the same name, provided they have different input parameters (see [[disambiguation | TypeCobolFunctionsDisambiguation]]). Two functions or procedure can have the same name as long as the same input parameters only if they belong to different namespaces. | 1 |
library | The program defining a given function or procedure. A library can define any number of functions or procedures. | 1 | 1 |
access modifier |
PUBLIC makes the function or procedure visible to every program which has also access to its namespace. PRIVATE makes the function or procedure visible only inside in the enclosing program. |
1 | 1 |
input parameters | An INPUT parameter is read-only for the callee. It must be set by the caller to a value expected by the calee prior to a given function or procedure call. |
0..N | 0..N |
in-out parameters | An IN-OUT parameter is defined as both INPUT and OUTPUT . It is readable and writable by the calee. |
0 | 0..N |
output parameters | An OUTPUT parameter should be written by the callee before the end of a given function or procedure call. |
0 | 0..N |
returning parameter | Same behavior as the COBOL85 RETURNING phrase |
0..1 | 0 |
error-code parameter | An implicite error code parameter is always passed as an output parameter | 1 | 1 |
error-code values | list of error-codes values that the caller should test after the procedure or function call | 0..N | 0..N |
The program containing a given function/procedure call.
The program containing a given function/procedure definition.
TypeCobol namespaces are structured as hierarchies to allow reuse of names in different contexts. They group functions/procedures around a particular functionality and avoid name collisions.
TypeCobol provides out-of-the box, ready for production functions and procedures via it standard library.
These are called TypeCobol « Intrinsic » functions.
The TypeCobol standard libray namespace is TCSL (TypeCobol Standard Library).
A function or procedure can have any number of data parameters. When you call a function/procedure, you can pass any data to it, provided each data is of the type defined in the function/procedure interface contract. You can pass identifiers or directly literals with no particular concern. Each parameter can be of any COBOL format or of any TypeCobol custom type. If a function/procedure needs more than one parameter, you need to use the proper parameter separator.
The error-code parameter is used by function/procedure to specify if it has encountered an error during its treatment. The error-code act as an output parameter and has a fixed name.
The error-code is an alphanumeric parameter of length 4 (pic X(04)
It should be equal to "0000"
if all the mandatory terms of the interface contract are filled. All others values should be treated as an error.
The meaning of each values depend on the interface contract of the function/procedure.
####Error-code values (TODO: Need to clarify this)
Expected error-code are values of error-code parameter that the callee should test after the function/procedure call. Each value represent a cause of common error and it's likely to happen.
Note that not all causes of errors need to specified as expected return-code values, only the most common.
A callee can ignore error-code values, but must at least test the if the error-code parameter is OK (value = "0000"
Input parameters can be passed from the caller to the callee either by reference (default) or by content. Output parameters are always passed by reference from the callee to the caller. You can't use by value with functions or procedures. Receiving mode are transitive across the parameters like standard Cobol 85. It means, that if you specify "by content" for one parameter, it applies to all following parameters that don't specify a receiving mode.
## Syntax A function or procedure declaration section looks a bit like a nested program: it must indicate input, in-out, output, returning and return and return-code parameters, and it has all it needs to fill its interface contract. ```cobol DECLARE FUNCTION function-name PRIVATE|PUBLIC input **list of parameter-name** returning **parameter-name** error-code **values of the error-code that the caller should test after the call**.DATA DIVISION. working-storage section. your data. PROCEDURE DIVISION. (type)cobol statements* END-DECLARE.
input **list of parameter-name**
in-out **list of parameter-name**
output **list of parameter-name**
error-code **values of the error-code that the caller should test after the call**.
working-storage section.
your data.
(type)cobol statements*
See detailled syntax rules here: TypeCobolFunctionsSyntax
## examples ###Function currentDate ```cobol declare function currentDate private returning result type Date.data division. procedure division. accept result from DATE YYYYMMDD. end-declare.
You can then call this function like this:
move function currentDate() to myDate
###Procedure readCustomer
declare procedure readCustomer public
input customedId pic 9(04)
output customer type Customer.
data division.
procedure division.
move xxxx to customer::name
move xxxx to customer::surname
You can then call this procedure like this:
call readCustomer input by content '0001'
output myCust
TODO: check errors
See complete examples here: TypeCobolFunctionsExamples
## Code generation Each TypeCobol function or procedure translate in COBOL 85 into a program. This program is nested in the same `PROCEDURE DIVISION` as the original function or procedure.The above declaration translates as the following:
PROGRAM-ID. function-name.
your data.
USING **list of parameter-name**
RETURNING parameter-name
(type)cobol statements*
See detailled codegen rules here: TypeCobolFunctionsSyntax