Feature List - TylerRuby0821/WriteItDown GitHub Wiki

Minimum Viable Product Feature List:

1. Hosting on Heroku

* Hosted on a live link

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login

  • Users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Users can use a demo login to try the site
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (creating notes/notebooks)

3. Notebooks

  • Logged in users can create Notebooks
  • Notebooks can be renamed to allow organization.

4. Notes

  • Logged in users can create new notes

5. Tags

  • Logged in users can add Tags to their notes, allowing further organization

6. Rich-Text Editing

  • Logged in users will have an advance text editing experience

7. Production README

  • Brief explanation of what the app is and does
  • How to start development environment
  • Technologies used
  • Link to live site
  • Link to Wiki docs
  • Discussion of two features that show off my technical abilities
  • Discussion of both challenges faced and the way I was able to solved them
  • Code snippets to highlight the best code

8. BONUS: Reminders

  • Users will be able to set reminders on notes

9. BONUS: Search

  • Users will be able to search by keyword for a note/notebook
  • Users will be able to search by tag for a note/notebook
  • Allows greater organization and sorting

10. BONUS: Auto Save

*Users Notes will be auto-saved