Feature List - Twprcntmlk/discord-clone GitHub Wiki
MVP List
Discord Clone, a Discord clone, is a chat client.
1. New account creation
- Users can sign up
- Users can use demo log in before signing up
- Users cannot view servers or post messages unless they are logged in.
2. Servers
- Users can create/edit/delete servers
- Users can invite other users to join their servers.
- Users can create/edit/delete channels in their servers.
- Users can delete messages belonging to other users only if they are the server owner.
3. Channels within servers
- Users can view messages in servers that they are members of.
4. Live Chat
- Users can add/edit/delete their own messages.
5. Direct Messaging via Private Servers
- Logged in users can send and receive private messages
- Users can add/edit/delete messages in their private servers (only applies to their own messages)
- Users have a friends list in their private server containing other users whom they can send private messages to
- Friends List supports CRUD operations (Delete friend, Add friend, View friends)
6. Hosting on Heroku
- Work in progress
7. Production README
- Brief explanation of what the app is and does.
- How to start development environment
- Technologies used
- Link to live site
- Link to Wiki docs
- Discussion of two features that show off the team's technical abilities
- Discussion of both challenges faced and the way the team solved them