TestFlight - TwoGears/hakomo-guides GitHub Wiki

TestFlight is a means of distributing app for testing wihtout sending IPA

Create Build

  1. Connect a phone to Xcode
  2. Bump Version (if not the first time)
  3. IONIC 1. Navigate to project folder 1. Open terminal and type gulp bump --setversion=1.0.1 (do whatever version you want) 1. ionic build ios
  4. Native 1. blah blah not known
  5. Go to Product->Archive and wait till it builds and click 'Allow' for key if you haven't pressed 'Always Allow' before
  6. On the right, click 'Upload to App Store...'
  7. Choose the development account [...wait 30s...]
  8. Click 'Upload' [...wait 3m...]
  9. Before you can use it, you will need to wait between 1h and 3h

Set User Roles

  1. Open Member Center, click 'iTunes Connect'
  2. Go to 'User and Roles'
  3. Click the +
  4. Add name and email with which the user has AppStore Account (not developer, just regular account for downloading apps)
  5. Select The appropriate role and territories
  6. After adding person, he or she will need to click on the link and activate it

Send Invitations

  1. Open Member Center, click 'iTunes Connect'
  2. Go to 'Apps' and select the app you are interested in
  3. Click on 'Activity': If you recently did upload it, it will say '(processing)' next to the version and you have to wait between 1h and 3h to continue.
  4. Go to 'TestFlight'
  5. Select the version you want people to have access to (needs to be uploaded and finished processing)
  6. Select the people you want to receive it (they need to have accepted the invitation)
  7. you are done, now users have steps to do

Tester Steps

  1. Install TestFlight
  2. Run TestFlight, and allow Notifications
  3. If not logged in, you should log in with the right account
  4. The apps you have been invited should be listed.
  5. Click 'Install'


TestFlight publishing requires Distribution Certificate. If you already published once, Xcode will automatically generate private/public keys, request a certificate, put it in member center and install it. If a second developer needs to publish an app to TestFlight, he will need the keys to make this work. You can verify this by opening Xcode Preferences->Accounts->Free->View Details and you will see 'Reset' at the 'iOS Distribution' certificate instead of blank space.

Here is how to transfer keys:

  1. On the First computer open 'Keychain Access'
  2. Go to Keys
  3. Find the distribution PUBLIC key, right click export with name public_key
  4. Find the distribution PRIVATE key, right click export with name private_key
  5. Transfer to desktop on 2nd developer
  6. Open terminal and type security import ~/Desktop/public_key.pem -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
  7. Double click private key to add to keychain.