Common Problems (HTML elements) - TwoGears/hakomo-guides GitHub Wiki
Text<p>Price: $10.00</p>
Problems with text include:
Wrong text (e.g., wrong text of the error message)
No text (e.g., the code doesn't display the title of the book)
Wrong text property: font, color, size
Link<a href='./'>Sign up</a>
Problems with links:
Misleading link: The link points to the wrong file and/or anchor, or mailto value.
Broken link: This term is usually used for problems with linked files. We have 2 variants: 1. Web server responded that linked file doesn't exist at specified path. In that case we get the "404 - File Not Found" error; 2. DNS cannot find IP address associated with that domain name. In this case we get "DNS error - Cannot Find Server".
Image<img src='../images/product_2_large.jpg'>
Problems with images:
Wrong image of the product.
No image at all;
Image with wrong size parameters.
Linked image<a href='./'> <img src='../images/product_8_small.jpg' height='150' border=0> </a>
Problems are combined for link and image.
Text box<input type='text' name='keyword' size='50'>
Problems with text box:
The wrong value for the text box attribute name
The wrong value for the attribute maxlength or no such attribute at all
Text area<textarea columns=10 rows=5 name='message_body'> I'm some text inside test area. I can take 1 or more lines </textarea>
Text area problems include the wrong value for an attribute name or the wrong values for the columns and rows attributes
Password input box<input type='password' name='password'>
Problems with password fields are just like those with text boxes. In some cases, the programmer makes a mistake and uses a text box instead of the password field to submit a password
The wrong value of the value attribute can give birth to a bug; the wrong value of the name attribute, or with the completeness of the text parameters (e.g., if we accepted "Discover" then it should have been on the list, too) or their correctness (e.g., "Viva" instead of "Visa").
Radio button<input type="radio" name="morning" value="fishing"> Go fishing <input type="radio" name="morning" value="kids" checked> Play with kids <input type="radio" name="morning" value="dishwasher"> Repair dishwasher
Problems with radio buttons include:
Incorrect value for name;
Parameter checked specified for a wrong value
Incorrect label ("Go hiking" instead of "Go fishing")
Checkbox<input type="checkbox" name="option1" value="bread" checked>Bread <input type="checkbox" name="option2" value="lettuce">Lettuce <input type="checkbox" name="option3" value="cheese" checked>Cheese
Checkboxes have the same maladies as radio buttons.
Submit button <input type='submit' value='Search'>
Problem with the Submit button is entering the wrong value of the attribute value.
Reset button<input type='reset' value='Reset'>
The Reset button returns the values inside the Web form back to their defaults.