ALSV4_CPP Starting a New Project - TwitchBlade/ALS-Wiki GitHub Wiki

This page covers how to get started with a brand new project using the ALSv4_CPP plugin.

Starting a new project

Start up Unreal Engine and you will be greeted by this screen.

Select "Games" and click "Next" and you will be taken to this menu.

This is the template selection menu. Since this is a start from scratch guide we will select "Blank" and click "Next" to take you to startup settings.

In this menu it is important to make sure we switch to a C++ project. You will still be able to make everything in blueprints if you like but it is needed to compile the C++ plugin. It is also worth noting that if you never have used a C++ project your going to need to install Visual Studio and its required features. You can find a guide on how to do that here. You can use VS2019 Community edition for this. This is where you would change your project name and save location so don't forget to do that before you move on. Once your ready and you create the project the editor and visual studio will load you can close both of them for now and navigate to your project folder.

Here create a folder named "Plugins". This is where we will place the ALSv4_CPP plugin. You can get the latest version of the plugin here. Click on Releases on the side and then download the latest release .7z file.

The folder contained within the .7z file will be placed inside of the plugins folder we just created a moment ago. It should look like this.

If you are integrating into an existing project you should follow the steps here:

Put Config/DefaultInput.ini from the plugin folder inside your project's config folder. If your project already have this .ini file, merge it into yours.

Add the lines below into your DefaultEngine.ini, below [/Script/Engine.CollisionProfile] tag (Create the tag if it doesn't exist):

+Profiles=(Name="ALS_Character",CollisionEnabled=QueryAndPhysics,bCanModify=True,ObjectTypeName="Pawn",CustomResponses=((Channel="Visibility",Response=ECR_Ignore),(Channel="Camera",Response=ECR_Ignore),(Channel="Climbable",Response=ECR_Ignore)),HelpMessage="Custom collision settings for the capsule in the ALS_BaseCharacter.") +DefaultChannelResponses=(Channel=ECC_GameTraceChannel2,DefaultResponse=ECR_Block,bTraceType=True,bStaticObject=False,Name="Climbable")

Now you can reopen your project using the .uproject file in the root of your project folder. The plugin is installed properly now but to view the content that comes with it we need to change View Options in our content browser. Enable "Show Plugin Content" and enable the sidebar to see the plugin content folders.

To open the testing level included open this map located in ALSV4_CPPContent/AdvancedLocomotionV4/Levels/ALS_DemoLevel

The next guide will cover how to actually implement ALS into a custom CharacterBP and Controller.