Dev team availability and skillsets - Twin-Cities-Mutual-Aid/twin-cities-aid-distribution-locations GitHub Wiki

A list of the various developers and other volunteers working on this project, our availability and our specialties. If you're part of the effort, please sound off here:

Name Role Skills Availability (Central time) Slack handle Github handle Local
Jacob Dalton project lead Ruby on Rails, maps, React, Angular, Github, hackathons, product development. Contact for PRs and admin work All day on Slack (works 10-6) @jdalt @jdalt yes
Christian Wood front and backend programming, devops, Google Apps Script, Mapbox MWF after 5:30pm @cwood821 @cwood821 yes
Omar White Front end guy, javascript, react, python, cloud and ops after 5pm @omawhite @omar yes
Saman Bemel-Benrud front and backend programming, product designer, Mapbox, mapping, and UX intermittently ~10am - 10pm CT @samanpwbb @samanpwbb yes
Matt Decuir Ruby/Rails, React, javascript, SQL, spreadsheets, product, and community-oriented projects intermittently all day @experimatt @experimatt yes
Jason Thibeault Ops, networking, DNS, Python, Google Scripts, AWS, Docker, data transformation, data entry 10am - 10pm @Jason Thibeault @jasonthibeault no
Andy Dayton js, react, golang, python, etc.. I Work 10-6 Tu-Th, around outside of that @Andy Dayton @andyinabox yes