Dev team availability and skillsets - Twin-Cities-Mutual-Aid/twin-cities-aid-distribution-locations GitHub Wiki
A list of the various developers and other volunteers working on this project, our availability and our specialties. If you're part of the effort, please sound off here:
Name | Role | Skills | Availability (Central time) | Slack handle | Github handle | Local |
Jacob Dalton | project lead | Ruby on Rails, maps, React, Angular, Github, hackathons, product development. Contact for PRs and admin work | All day on Slack (works 10-6) | @jdalt | @jdalt | yes |
Christian Wood | front and backend programming, devops, Google Apps Script, Mapbox | MWF after 5:30pm | @cwood821 | @cwood821 | yes | |
Omar White | Front end guy, javascript, react, python, cloud and ops | after 5pm | @omawhite | @omar | yes | |
Saman Bemel-Benrud | front and backend programming, product designer, Mapbox, mapping, and UX | intermittently ~10am - 10pm CT | @samanpwbb | @samanpwbb | yes | |
Matt Decuir | Ruby/Rails, React, javascript, SQL, spreadsheets, product, and community-oriented projects | intermittently all day | @experimatt | @experimatt | yes | |
Jason Thibeault | Ops, networking, DNS, Python, Google Scripts, AWS, Docker, data transformation, data entry | 10am - 10pm | @Jason Thibeault | @jasonthibeault | no | |
Andy Dayton | js, react, golang, python, etc.. | I Work 10-6 Tu-Th, around outside of that | @Andy Dayton | @andyinabox | yes |