Dependency injection in Android activity with Dagger 2 - Tuong-Nguyen/PreparationEduLog GitHub Wiki


Android components (activities, fragments, ...) are instantiated by the Android framework which makes it difficult to use dependency injection on them. By doing a little setup, Dagger with provided classes help to simplifies the dependency injection into Android components.



  • Add Dagger dependencies to app.gradle
compile ''
annotationProcessor ''
  • In order to use classes from package, like DaggerActivity, add the dependencies
compile ''
annotationProcessor ''
  • Use support libraries with Dagger 2
compile ''

Dagger subcomponent

Subcomponent interface

public interface IMainActivitySubcomponent extends AndroidInjector<MainActivity> {

    abstract class Builder extends AndroidInjector.Builder<MainActivity> {}
  • Represents a Dagger subcomponent which is able to inherit bindings from any parent subcomponent/component
  • Extends AndroidInjector to perform member injection on a concrete Android component type
  • Annotate with @Subcomponent

Module to add subcomponent

@Module(subcomponents = {IMainActivitySubcomponent.class})
public abstract class ActivityModule {

    abstract AndroidInjector.Factory<? extends Activity> bindYourActivityInjectorFactory(IMainActivitySubcomponent.Builder builder);
  • Annotate with @Module
  • Help the sub components in subcomponent parameter are available
  • Binds the builder of the subcomponent to AndroidInjector.Factory


ApplicationComponent interface

@Component(modules = {ActivityModule.class, AndroidInjectionModule.class})
public interface ApplicationComponent {
    void inject(MyApplication application);
  • Responsible for injecting the Application class
  • @Component annotation with the modules parameter to specify which modules are used to create implementation of the component
    • ActivityModule make use of subcomponent to inject activities
    • AndroidInjectionModule is needed to ensure the binding of Android component (Activity, Fragment, ...)