ngrx store Effects & Selectors - Tuong-Nguyen/Angular-D3-Cometd GitHub Wiki
- Used to manage side effects
- Similar to
, create new action from old action
npm install @ngrx/effect --save
- Use in calling sync request
- The store dispatch a LOAD action and return LOAD_SUCCESS or LOAD_FAIL action
- Define an effect service
- Create effect
- Import effect to module
- Decorate with
- Inject the data service through constructor
export class WidgetEffects {
private actions$: Actions,
private widgetService: WidgetService,
) {}
- Decorate with
- Effect return an
- switchMap operator: Maps each value to an Observable, then flattens all of these inner Observables using switch.
import * as widgetManagement from '../actions/widgets';
// ...
loadWidgets$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
.switchMap(() =>
.map((widgets: Widget[]) => new widgetManagement.LoadSuccess(widgets))
.catch(error => of(new widgetManagement.LoadFail(error)))
method from @ngrx/store/testing
// ...
let actions: Observable<any>;
beforeEach(() => {
providers: [
provideMockActions(() => actions),
// other providers
// ...
it('should work', () => {
actions = hot('--a-', { a: SomeAction });
// ...
Selector is used for watching a piece of data in store. It is an Observable and only emit items when the new item is different from the previous one (shallow compare)
- Getter function to fetch a slice of store
It returns a typed selector function for a feature slice of state.
export interface WidgetsState {
widgets: fromWidgets.State;
export interface State extends fromRoot.State {
widgets: WidgetsState;
export const getWidgetsState = createFeatureSelector<WidgetsState>('widgets');
Returns a callback function for selecting a slice of state.
export const getWidgets = createSelector(
getWidgetsState, // createFeatureSelector<WidgetsState>('widgets');
(state: WidgetsState) => state.widgets.items